

### 益处:

1. **舒筋活络**:木瓜性温,能够舒筋活络,对缓解肌肉痉挛、腰膝酸软、手足麻木等症有良好效果,尤其适合中老年人使用。

2. **促进消化**:木瓜中含有木瓜蛋白酶,这种酶能促进蛋白质的分解,帮助消化,改善消化不良、食积不化等症状。

3. **通乳下乳**:木瓜中的乳凝酶具有通乳作用,对于产后乳汁不足的妇女有很好的辅助治疗效果。

4. **清热止咳**:木瓜具有清热解毒、润肺止咳的功效,适用于治疗感冒、咳嗽、咽炎等病症。

5. **抗衰老美容**:木瓜中含有丰富的维生素C、E和胡萝卜素,具有抗氧化功能,能延缓衰老,美容养颜。

6. **增强免疫力**:维生素C的摄入能提高人体免疫力,预防疾病。

7. **烧伤治疗**:木瓜汁能够促进烧伤部位的愈合,抑制细菌生长。

### 功能:

1. **缓解湿痹拘挛**:木瓜具有舒筋活络的功效,适用于治疗湿痹拘挛、腰膝关节酸重疼痛等症。

2. **缓急止泻**:木瓜能调理肝脏气机,缓急舒筋、止痛止泻,对呕吐、腹泻等症有改善作用。

3. **和胃下气**:木瓜可入胃经,具有和胃消食、健脾和胃、利水化湿的作用,可缓解消化不良、食少纳差、下肢水肿、脚气等症状。

4. **美容养颜**:木瓜中的维生素C和E具有抗氧化作用,能帮助皮肤保持年轻状态。


### 禁忌:

1. **不宜过量食用**:虽然木瓜具有很多益处,但也不宜过量食用,以免产生不良反应。

2. **某些人群不宜食用**:腰膝酸软、精血不足、真阴不足的人不适合服用木瓜。

3. **烹饪禁忌**:不宜用铅、铁等金属制品煮木瓜粥。



### 功效解析:

1. **燥湿温中**:草果性温,能够温中散寒,对于寒湿内阻所致的脘腹胀痛、痞满呕吐等症状有很好的缓解作用。


2. **截疟除痰**:草果有截疟的功效,对于疟疾寒热等症状有治疗作用。同时,它还能除痰,对于痰多咳嗽等症状也有一定帮助。

3. **消食**:草果能够促进消化,对于食积引起的腹胀、消化不良等症状有改善作用。

4. **抗菌消炎**:草果含有挥发油物质,具有较强的抗菌消炎作用,可以抑制真菌和细菌的活性,对多种细菌性疾病和病毒性疾病有预防作用。

5. **祛除寒邪**:草果与丁香、厚朴等药材同用,可治疗寒湿中阻、手足厥冷等症状。

6. **利水消肿**:草果有助于利水消肿,对于水肿、小便不利等症状有一定的改善作用。

### 用法与用量:

– **内服**:煎汤,用量一般为3-6克。
– **外用**:可适量用于局部治疗。


### 禁忌:

– 气虚或血亏,无寒湿实邪者忌服草果。
– 老弱虚羸者应慎用。
– 凡疟不由于瘴气、心痛胃脘痛由于火而不由于寒、湿热瘀滞等情况下,均不宜使用草果。

### 应用举例:

1. **治疗疟疾**:草果常与常山、知母、乌梅、槟榔等药材同用。
2. **治疗食积**:草果常与山楂、神曲、麦芽等药材同用。


3. **治疗水肿**:草果常与茯苓、泽泻、猪苓等药材同用。



1. **营养保健品领域**:如魔幻身姿代餐粉,这里的“功效魔幻”可能指的是该产品具有独特的营养价值和减肥效果,能够帮助消费者在享受魔幻般口感的同时,达到减肥的目的。其功效被描述得非常吸引人,如同魔法一般神奇。

2. **医疗领域**:例如魔幻菇制药,这里的“功效魔幻”可能指的是该药物具有神奇的治愈效果,尤其是对于治疗严重酒瘾。这种描述强调的是药物对某些疾病具有非常显著的疗效,甚至可以说是超乎寻常的。

3. **玩具和娱乐领域**:如星宝益动魔变飞陀、正版卡车神之魔幻对决等,这里的“功效魔幻”可能是指这些玩具具有丰富的娱乐功能和奇幻的变形能力,能够为孩子们带来充满想象力的玩耍体验。

4. **时尚和礼品领域**:例如闪亮韩版奥地利魔幻魔方手链,这里的“功效魔幻”可能是指该产品具有独特的设计和时尚感,能够为佩戴者带来魔幻般的视觉享受。

5. **科技产品领域**:智能魔镜等科技产品,这里的“功效魔幻”可能指的是其具有多种智能功能,如调节室内温度、提醒访客等,使得日常生活体验如同拥有魔法般的便捷。

6. **文学和艺术领域**:魔幻现实主义作品,这里的“功效魔幻”可能是指这种文学或艺术形式通过夸张和奇幻的手法,揭示人类内心世界和外部世界的荒诞,给人以强烈的视觉和心灵冲击。



1. **抗炎作用**:人参中含有丰富的活性成分,其中人参皂苷是其最重要的成分之一。人参皂苷能够抑制炎症反应,减轻肌营养不良等疾病患者的症状。对于肌营养不良患者来说,这种抑制炎症的作用至关重要,因为它能减轻肌肉组织的慢性炎症反应。

2. **抗氧化作用**:人参皂苷还具有抗氧化作用,能够清除自由基,抑制氧化反应,从而保护肌肉组织的完整性和功能。这对于肌营养不良患者的肌肉组织受到氧化应激的影响尤为重要。

3. **提高免疫力**:人参能够提高患者的免疫力,减少感染的发生。对于肌营养不良患者来说,提高免疫力有助于防止感染,从而改善生活质量。


4. **其他疗效**:
– **止泻、补肾、生津止汗**:人参在传统中医中常用于止泻、补肾、生津止汗等方面。例如,生脉散中的人参具有益气生津的功效,适用于气阴不足、体倦自汗、短气懒言等症状。
– **止泻**:五味子散中的五味子具有补肾固涩、吴茱萸散寒燥湿的功效,适用于脾肾虚寒、久泻不止等症。
– **补肾**:五子衍宗丸中的枸杞子、菟丝子具有生精补肾的作用,适用于肾虚精少、阳痿早泄、遗精等症状。
– **抗癌作用**:人参皂苷已被证实具有显著的抗癌作用,不仅可以单独抑制肿瘤的生长和转移,还可以配合放化疗、靶向治疗、免疫治疗和手术,达到减轻治疗副作用、抑制肿瘤耐药性、提高疗效、降低术后复发风险等作用。

5. **适用人群**:人参适合用于各种体质虚弱、免疫力低下、慢性疾病患者。尤其是对于肌营养不良等罕见病患者,人参具有一定的辅助治疗作用。



1. **滋补肝肾**:玛咖和枸杞都是传统中医中常用的药材,它们都有滋补肝肾的作用。玛咖具有增加体力、增强耐力、抵抗疲劳的功效,而枸杞则用于补益肝肾阴,治疗肝肾阴虚等症状。

2. **补肾壮阳**:玛咖具有补肾壮阳的作用,对性功能障碍有一定的治疗作用。枸杞也能补血安神,有助于改善性功能。

3. **养肝明目**:枸杞含有丰富的胡萝卜素、维生素C和多种氨基酸,对增强免疫力、改善眼睛健康有着显著效果。玛咖也有助于保护肝脏,抑制脂肪在肝细胞内沉积,并促进肝细胞新生。

4. **润肺生津**:玛咖和枸杞都入肺经,一起泡酒饮用可润肺生津,缓解肺火郁结及气逆不降导致的咳嗽、气喘等症。


5. **滋肾益气**:枸杞味甘,玛咖味辛,两者均入肾经,具有滋肾益气的功效,可帮助补肾温阳,缓解阳虚症。

6. **抗衰老和美容**:玛咖和枸杞都含有丰富的抗氧化物质,能够抑制氧化反应,抗氧化以达到美容的效果。

7. **提高免疫力**:枸杞能提高人体免疫力,促进造血功能恢复,升高周围血的白细胞数,对机体产生保护作用。

8. **促进血液循环**:玛咖和枸杞都有助于促进血液循环,对心脑血管也有很好的保健功能。



1. **温阳益气**:生姜性温,能够温中散寒,促进血液循环,增强身体抵抗力。红枣性味甘温,能够补中益气,养血安神。


2. **改善手脚发凉**:由于红枣和生姜共同作用,能够改善因气血不足导致的肢体末梢血液循环不良,从而有效缓解手脚冰凉的症状。


3. **养血补血**:红枣含有丰富的维生素和矿物质,具有补血养颜的功效,对于女性来说,可以改善月经不调、贫血等症状。

4. **温中止呕**:生姜的温性可以缓解胃寒引起的呕吐、恶心等症状。

5. **解表散寒**:生姜具有解表散寒的作用,可以用于治疗风寒感冒,缓解头痛、鼻塞等感冒症状。

6. **润肺止咳**:红枣生姜汤中的红枣和生姜可以帮助润肺止咳,适用于因干燥或寒冷天气引起的咳嗽。

7. **增强消化功能**:生姜辣素能够刺激胃肠黏膜,增强消化功能,对于因吃寒凉食物引起的腹胀、腹痛、腹泻等症状有一定的缓解作用。

8. **扩张血管,加速血液循环**:生姜能够扩张血管,加快血液循环,有助于排出体内的寒气和湿气。

9. **改善睡眠质量**:红枣生姜汤有助于缓解失眠、多梦、健忘等症状,改善睡眠质量。


Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned. Even the mysterious Lord of the Emperor Heaven was stunned. I didn’t think that my eyelids would have such a result.

"Chu Yun proved to be a traveler-"The mysterious Lord of Heaven suddenly spit out this language. Facing Dreadwind, it seems that Chu Yun’s identity also interests him.
The emperor didn’t say much. Obviously, he didn’t want to reveal some secrets. In the face of Dreadwind, the emperor still showed a domineering majesty. The whole person was shrouded in an imperial robe, and the brilliance made people who wanted to look straight have to cover their eyes, because this brilliance was ten thousand times stronger than the sky, and if they really looked straight at the past, they would lose their eyes.
When the mysterious master waved his hand, he showed the ancient inscription on the Heaven Monument to mobilize the rules of heaven and earth. The ancient Taoist lines, array lines and spells poured out crazily, and the heavens and the earth were instantly condensed into layers of lore arrays, which not only guarded the two people, but also locked up many star channels in the closed star, making it easy for people to leave.
Chu Yun’s whole body’s colorful brilliance has also changed since Chutian merged into himself. The original colorful brilliance has changed sixteen ways, and there are six kinds of special brilliance. At the same time, his breath is more profound and vigorous, which makes everyone have to pay attention.
"How about I make a deal, Emperor?" The mysterious Lord’s slow tone is confusing.
Emperor Jun said indifferently, "Emperor seldom makes deals. Tell me about it. If it is good for my pulse, it is also worth considering."
Smell speech mysterious master did not have a horse’s mouth, so there is a third person, so they can’t ignore powerful people.
To this one leng Chu Yun shout shout tunnel "what are you two whispering? I don’t see that the enemy is still not quick to shoot, and I still think about the fisherman’s profit? "
At the same time, I heard that the mysterious Lord of the Emperor said, "Shut up!" This sound trembles all over the world, making several people feel heartbroken.
"Shut up, both of you!" Chu Yun is suddenly a drink, but the sound is even louder. Even the mysterious Lord of the Emperor froze when he was in the sky.
Dreadwind smell speech suddenly sneer at a way: "It seems that winning by numbers is your strength, but hey hey-"
In Dreadwind sneer at an unusual fluctuation to accompany the figure emerged Chu Yun eyes became sharp.
Dreadwind indifferently said, "When three people come here and merge into your body, I will also call one person to see who is strong and weak in the end."
The emperor’s mysterious masters are all cold-faced, especially the mysterious masters, who feel a familiar smell, which is the second step before they can exude momentum and pose a substantial threat to them.
"Six ways-"looking at the virtual that slowly walked out of the figure, Chu Yun took the lead, but the sound was full of vicissitudes.
At present, Chu Yun, who is not seriously injured, used to be the mysterious master who caused the great collapse of the wild golden fairy-Liu Dao revealed his posture and smiled gently. "Chu Yun, one draw and one win, you can actually beat me once, but you are proud of this, but it is really an honor to attract two leaders in the dark today, but don’t you dare to show up when the two dharmas come?"
This remark is even more shocking when the number of strong people watching the battle among the stars is heard. Is it so horrible to hear that the Lord of Heaven controls the power of the boat and astounds the emperor and the dharma body?
And those six stories heard that in the past, when he was outnumbered, more than a dozen Jin Xian fought a crushing defeat. In the end, Chu Yun shot at him and wounded him, but it was also a small victory. He did not pursue it because Chu Yun’s injury was also very serious and he was forced to retreat.
Today, a monster who is suspected to be the arrival of ancient Dreadwind and this mysterious pioneer in a foreign country seem to have formed a joint gesture. Is it true that the wild is exhausted?
"No, it seems that I’m really going to prepare to make six moves, claiming to be the strongest three war generals in a foreign country. The other two, the black-and-white husband, has never made a move, and the identity of the third person is still a mystery. This time, it seems that many Jin Xian people will fall!" The tone of Liuyundaokou is very anxious because he has heard of these six powerful ways. Even Guangcheng and others almost fell on the spot, and the crisis is great.
A Dreadwind has plunged Chu Yun into an absolute bitter battle. Can you really resist if you add a six-wild monk?
It is estimated that there is still room for reversal if the Lord of Heaven or the powerful Emperor shows up, but at this time, the other party is just a dharma body arrival, and it seems to Liu Yundao and others that the chance of winning is slim.
Even though Chu Tian’s integration into Chu Yun’s body makes people a little surprised and curious, such great people as cloud-chasers and cloud-drifters can still see that this Chu Tian may be a time projection formed by Chu Yun’s practice of some kind of occult arts, which is like an incarnation of Taoism. However, this projection has formed Chu Tian’s ability not only to roam in the virtual world, but also to break the time limit, which explains that Chu Yun can easily get in and out in some times without facing too much danger, because this Chu Tian is the best coordinate to mark the time and point at which Chu Yun travels accurately.
At this time, the shuttle is like a lonely boat floating in the Wang Yang. A slight mistake is to destroy the ship, otherwise many masters in this world would have come to the shuttle when they participated in the Tao.
And there are some unknown effects of this method. If there is disorder, even the caster may be insane and crazy, and eventually the insane person can die, even the monk is almost incurable.
Chutian’s integration into Chu Yun’s body made him soar. At the same time, a 16-color Guanghua rainbow vortex in his eyes was constantly rotating and analyzing the strength of Dreadwind.
Chapter two hundred and four Blood in the sky
Six Dreadwind unexpectedly formed a joint gesture, which is what people want to see?
The mysterious Master Dharma Body took charge of the Heaven Monument and directly killed the Six in the Star Wars, and immediately it was dark.
It is obvious to all that the six powerful people were surrounded by many experts. Although they were decorated by the mysterious Lord Dijun, they extracted most of the people’s strength to fill the two barriers, but in the end they failed. Although Chu Yun killed the other side in the Six Wars, the two barriers were finally broken.
However, it is precisely because of Chu Yun’s efforts to expose the weaknesses of the six repairs that the mysterious master is in charge of the Heaven Monument and specializes in the weaknesses of the other party. Killing the six roads is roaring and screaming again and again, but Rao is so amazing that his amazing strength is still displayed incisively and vividly. Even the mysterious master can’t fully occupy the wind. atrix is still a fierce match between the two.
The six ways of cultivation are that the false source can falsely attack at a certain time, so as to reverse the outcome of the war. At the same time, this source power, such as water and fire, belongs to the false source, and its power control is quite mysterious. The real source power, such as fire source and thunder source, is very different, not absolute strength, but in cultivation, which will be extremely difficult to deal with once it is achieved.
In the range of six moves, all the rules are influenced by him, and all the rules of heaven are illusory. If the mysterious Lord is in charge of the monument of heaven, it will be difficult to pose a threat to the six roads.
Tiandaobei, a treasure of heaven and earth, is the world’s top sacred object. Its quality is to make up the heaven furnace and other sacred objects, which belong to the only one or two special things in this world.
The celestial monument exudes vanity and shatters all the rules. The source forces cultivated by the Six Ways are just opposite, but the realm of two people is extremely high. One person melts the rules, and the other person turns the rules into falsehood. Thus, a tug-of-war is displayed. With the mysterious master, two people kill the stars and burst into the depths of the stars. The six source forces condense a false eye, and all attacks on the other side are resolved, making all attacks on him ineffective.
It’s no wonder that most of the attacks in this world are almost restrained by the fate of the source. On that day, Liudao was able to fight alone in the face of the offensive of good and evil, and he did not retreat at all.
On the one hand, it is the realm advantage, and he has transcended the hegemony of Jin Xian and entered the second part, where the source smelting has been sublimated into a truly powerful level, and the realm of the strong is even better.
On the other hand, it is the strength source advantage, and the foreign masters’ practice is extremely solid, and the two or three masters who can fight in the same realm can achieve great achievements in Jin Xian. After the great ability, the strength will also skyrocket, and the six practices will be an illusory source. In addition to turning the other side’s offensive into emptiness, it can also turn its own consumption into falsehood to achieve an instant recovery effect.
This is the same as the reversal of fate. Gan Kun has the same effect, but it is achieved by special resources. He is almost an immortal who can resist all external attacks and has almost inexhaustible strength. This is also the time when he was able to fight alone.
Chu Yun, Dreadwind, and the Emperor’s Dharma, chose to watch the war and didn’t make an immediate move, as if waiting for the opportunity.
This time, Chu Yun cast a set of strange moves. This set of moves seems simple, but in fact it contains hundreds of boxing, palm, fingering, leg and foot. In each move, each type is integrated with different source forces, in which ice, fire, wind, thunder and immortality are integrated into all kinds of strange tricks, which makes Dreadwind have a fear of anger and roar, and set up barriers to prevent the explosion from ringing in the stars.
Rao is so, the other party’s repair is still too tough. Even after Chutian merged into Chu Yun’s body, Chu Yun was still badly injured. There was blood on his right shoulder, and it was also slightly painful, which made people look worried.
"Hum, die!" Dreadwind’s long-term attack has also seen a trace of irritability, and the convergence of forces has emerged in the whole body, and the ancient light and shadow spells have come with the nine shadows emerging nine times, and the door is torn and empty, accompanied by nine abnormal long-lasting smells that can be traced back to the very ancient times, forming a lore door. Dreadwind laughed wildly and took off from his whole body and enveloped Chu Yun straight.
The emperor’s dharma body turned cold and said, "This is-that place is a killer prison!"
After saying his word, the Emperor directly waved his hand. Here, Chu Yun stood side by side. Although it was a dharma body, it was powerful and unusual. He waved his hand and practiced a few stars. Then he moved the Emperor’s hand, and one hundred relatively tiny stars gathered into a star. The ancient array map directly formed the fierce name of heaven and earth, and the famous Tianhe star map enveloped Dreadwind with a blow.
At the same time, Chu Yun is also fighting back. He motivated the source of the source of power to condense into a handle with a strange shape, and the combating Dao slammed away at Dreadwind.
This knife looks dull in a moment.

Three days later, it’s still Aunt Hua’s tavern.

The colored glaze of white porcelain jars painted with twenty peonies.
This is a real flower carving for 20 years. Hu Tiehua and Li Zhichang have already drunk an altar.
Hu Tiehua said, "Do you really have the heart to kill Shi Guanyin?"
Li Zhichang said, "It doesn’t matter to me if I don’t kill her, but it will be a disaster for those who know me two years later."
Hu Tiehua said, "What is this?"
Li Zhichang said, "Because I have not lived in this world for two years." Without Li Zhichang Shi Guanyin, there would be no constraint.
Hu Tiehua was shocked. "How is it possible that you don’t say anything about living for another 100 years, but living to 90 years is more than enough? Are you poisoned or healed by some method?"
Li Zhichang smiled faintly. "If you don’t think much about death, it may not be the end."
Hu Tiehua Avenue "In this case, how can we drink this altar of wine enough? We have to drink another altar. After all, you are going to die."
Li Zhichang said, "Aunt Hua will have another altar of carved flowers."
The same white porcelain jars are painted with twenty peonies in the same colored glaze.
Aunt Hua said, "If this altar wine is cheated by one million taels of silver."
One million and two hundred taels was taken out by former Li Zhichang to find the bonus of Shi Guanyin. Unfortunately, of course it is not.
Li Zhichang killed Shi Guanyin without a penny.
Hu Tiehua was furious. "Just now, this jar of wine was only twelve thousand silver, but now the same jar of wine costs one million two hundred silver and one million two hundred silver can’t buy any wine."
Aunt Hua sneered, "Dear son, do you know who brewed that jar of wine just now? It was brewed by Du Kang, the god of wine, a hundred years ago. There are two jars left before you drank one jar. This is the last jar."
Li Zhichang said, "Since it is the only one, two, one altar, it is not surprising what the price is."
Aunt Hua’s eyebrows and eyes laughed. "This is natural."
Li Zhichang said, "I also want to drink a seal for one million taels of silver."
Hu Tiehua drank a bowl with a strange color on the back. "What’s the same altar wine? Now this altar wine is much better than that just now."
Li Zhichang faint way "probably because this altar wine is one hundred times more expensive than just now".
Hu Tiehua laughed. "This is reasonable."
The two altars were carved with flowers, and Hu Tiehua and Li Zhichang were drunk.
At this time, a man came in the pub. He was a middle-aged man with broad shoulders and thick chest and a ruddy face. He obviously wore a golden bell, an iron cloth shirt and practiced kung fu very well. The whole person looked like an iron shield.
The middle-aged man came to Li Zhichang and Hu Tiehua’s desk and said, "Who is Li Zhichang?"
Hu Tiehua was drunk and said to Li Zhichang, "Taoist Li, someone is here to see you."
However, Li Zhichang seems to be drunk and asleep, and the power of extremely carved flowers is extraordinary. Hu Tiehua is very satisfied with his sobriety. For example, he really surpasses Li Zhichang in alcohol consumption.
After pushing Li Zhichang several times, Li Zhichang didn’t wake up. Hu Tiehua said, "Look, he won’t wake up for a while like this. What’s your name and what can I do for him?"
The middle-aged man sank, "My name is Li Dun."
Hu Tiehua looked at him. "There are many people named Li Dun, but there are only a handful of people named Li Dun who can practice Kung Fu in the Thirteen Pacific Insurance to the realm of bronze and iron."
"Yes, that’s my Li Dun from Weiyuan Escort Agency." His words are full of confidence, because he has never met an opponent in Weiyuan Escort Agency by virtue of this 13-year-old Taibao horizontal training kung fu.
Hu Tiehua heart way Li Daoshi when provoked Weiyuan escort agency people also let Li Dun this guy personally.
Chapter seventy-six Copper skin and iron frame
Rao is that he wants to break his head and doesn’t know what people like Li Dun will often associate with Li Zhi.
And he looked at Li Dun’s face as if his purpose was not good.
Hu Tiehua said, "What do you want with him? Why don’t you wait until he wakes up?"
Hu Daxia only drank Li Daochang’s wine after all, and he was not fresh enough to throw Li Daochang off the trouble.
Li Dun said, "I’m sure a dart was robbed in Shi Tianwang’s jurisdiction."
Hu Tiehua smiled and laughed. "What do you have to do with your dart being robbed by the King of History?"
Li Dun said, "Of course, because Li Zhichang killed Shi Tianwang, people say that Shi Tianwang’s wealth fell into his hands."
Hu Tiehua said, "So you want him to return the dart money to you."
Hu Tiehua "bah" continued, "Don’t say that he didn’t take the wealth, even if he did, he couldn’t find his head."
Li Dunli said, "Hu Tiehua, don’t be shameless. I have to take this person away today."
Hu Tiehua certainly knew that Li Dun would take Li Zhichang away. If he wanted to get it back, of course, he wouldn’t have his own money, but the wealth of Shi Tianwang’s department. Even if a person’s martial arts is high, it is impossible to stop people’s greed.
Hu Tiehua said, "If you want to take him away, you have to wait until he wakes up, or everything will be over."
Hu Tiehua thought that this guy is always an inscrutable drinker at ordinary times, but not so good.
Of course he knows that everyone is not very good at one thing, Li Zhichang, and he doesn’t doubt it even if he can’t really drink.

“Yes!” The rocket clenched its claws and posed for Star-Lord as a winner.

Not to be outdone, Star-Lord quickly said, "But your answer to this question is not detailed enough, and I can add it!"
"About a week ago, the Milky Way suddenly added several rewards to the earth-specifically, the Rubik’s Cube, Taizi and Mind Staff. Each baby has a very high reward value, with the highest being the Rubik’s Cube, followed by Taisi and the cheapest being the Mind Staff …"
"The bounty hunter in the universe can get a lot of rewards for getting these things! Yeah, that’s it! I answered more! "
The rocket raccoon didn’t want to dislike it so much and shook his head. "But I don’t think your answer is multifaceted. You just said my answer in another language."
Star-Lord hurriedly retorted "nonsense! It’s not! You didn’t say that these three things are in order of value! But I said it! These three things are worth from high to low, namely the tesseract, Tai Zi and Mind Staff! ! !”
The rocket sneered, "Come on, fool, I don’t think Officer Goofy cares about these details. Your answer is not at all!" "
Goofy nodded and said, "Well, Star-Lord added that there are really no eggs. This question is a rocket answer to Star-Lord. Are you ready to compete for a question?"
"oh! Damn it! How hateful! " Star-Lord’s eyes were red with anger and he beat the window angrily.
Goofy said, "OK, now please listen to the second question …"
Rockets and Star-Lord quickly pricked up their ears and looked at Goofy intently.
Carmela hates shaking her head. She hasn’t seen any interstellar bounty hunter yet. She’s been so lenient and so hard …
Goofy also had an illusion at this moment as if he were not a policeman but a knowledge contest host.
Cough one. He asked the second question.
"Excuse me … who are these rewards? Please answer! "
"I know! I know! "
As soon as Goofy’s question was exported to Star-Lord, he cried with excitement.
Goofy quickly looked at Star-Lord and said with a smile, "Good, then please answer."
Next to the rocket, a playful look at Star-Lord sneered, "I don’t believe you know because even I don’t know who these rewards are!"
Star-Lord actually took the lead just now. He wanted to get the answer sheet in front of the rocket. In fact, he just shouted "I know" without even hearing the question clearly.
Now after grabbing the question, Star-Lord is directly stupid …
"Officer Goofy, can you … can you repeat the question?"
"Ahem, who are these rewards for the earth?" Goofy black face repeated.
Star-Lord Meng forced embarrassed nao ba on the spot.
"Gnome male-"….. "
The rocket sneered, "Hey, hey, you didn’t answer if you grabbed it?"
Star-Lord looked timidly at Goofy and said, "Sorry, Officer Goofy, this question … I don’t really know … Can I give this precious opportunity to the Rockets?"
Next to the rocket, Grut and Carmela laughed mercilessly, and the rocket laughed so hard that his mouth watered.
"Ha ha ha … you idiot! If you don’t know, just say you don’t know and grab a fart answer! An idiot like Officer Goofy should give him life imprisonment! "
Chapter 4 behind-the-scenes planner
Star-Lord managed to grab a question, and as a result, he didn’t know the answer yet. He was in a state of silence in his prison unit, and he was extremely embarrassed.
Goofy shook his head in disappointment and said mercilessly, "If Star-Lord knows, he will say that he knows, and if he doesn’t know, he will say that he doesn’t know the answer to this question, but he has to rush to answer your question. I am really disappointed."
The rocket watched the scene of bustle and said, "You’re finished, Star-Lord, you’re dead! It is impossible for a police officer with such a high attitude to be lenient with you! "
"I …" Star-Lord was depressed and apologized sincerely. "Officer Goofy, I was wrong. I was so nervous. Will you give me another chance?"
Goofy is magnanimous and nods, "But think about the answer to this question again."
"Er … could it be released by Chai Daren?" Star-Lord blind Jaguar guessed an answer.
Goofy’s brow wrinkled up immediately. "Star-Lord said Hu can’t do it."
The raccoon next to him also sneered and said, "Even if you make a wild guess, you have to guess by the spectrum, right?" Those people in Chaida have always despised us. How can Wu, a bounty hunter, give us a reward? You are full of water! "
"You can do it!" Star-Lord was depressed when he came, and he was even more depressed when the raccoon said it. "Come on, come on, aren’t you smart?" You damn raccoon, tell me who posted this article? "
"Let me judge one!" The rocket rolled its eyes and said, "These items are released at the same time and the rewards are very high-energy. There are not many people who come up with so many rewards, and there are only a handful in this galaxy …"
"Nonsense! You are talking nonsense!" Star-Lord dissatisfied with undermining the way.
"Shut up! You have nothing! " The rocket stared back at Star-Lord and continued, "It is possible that there are several people who can come up with so much money, but Chai Da’s pseudo-monarchs disdain to do this kind of stealing things and rule them out …"
"Of the other dogs, I think Ronan, the accused, is the most likely. This guy has a galactic fleet, and the money is naturally too much to explode … Besides, he is a militant and provokes the earth everywhere. These things are very important to him. He must be eager to keep these treasures for himself."

A monstrous trend from Sumo to generate!

Don’t say that there is a mountain peak in front of you, even the sky can plow a huge gully at his feet!
This silver flashing shield was directly trampled on by Su Mo!
Hiding behind the shield, the monk was crushed into a ball of flesh and blood by Su Mo through the shield without saying a word!
Many killing moves in the Secret Book of the Wild Demon King made Su Moyun more and more skillful.
As he deepened his training in the demon road, the power of these killings became more and more terrible!
There was an uproar in the crowd.
Not far away, many monks are preparing to join the fray. Seeing this scene, they all stopped and looked shocked and dumbfounded.
Too fierce!
In a blink of an eye, nine monks died in the hands of this blue monk!
What is terrible is the resistance of these nine people in front of this blue monk!
"Who is this person and what is his origin?"
"I don’t know that the ancient battlefield is terrible. It really is the arrogance of the gods!"
"Yes, not to mention the true brothers of the super clans. I heard that another Uber in the northern domain has risen to be rare in the ages."
"I also know that this person is said to have killed tens of thousands of monks in the glass palace gathering point after he entered this place with hatred!"
"Ah, so hard!"
There is a lot of discussion.
Remaining refined resin teaches monks to change color with horror and quickly pull back to control the nearby battle resin to turn around.
The whole thing of refining corpses to teach monks is almost always fighting for corpses.
Losing the shelter of war corpses, their bodies are weak, and their own strength is similar to that of ordinary practitioners.
The first monk who taught resin refining looked cold and cold. "You are really dead! We teach our brothers to refine corpses all the year round, and their bodies are contaminated with ptomaine. You smash their bodies and you yourself are born to die! "
"Not bad!"
Another monk who taught resin refining sneered, "Beast, have you ever felt that your qi and blood have declined? Hey! "
"Ha ha ha ha!"
Su Mo laughed at the sky, and the pitch was bright, and the qi and blood rose up, and there were waves of surging tides!