

### 益处:

1. **提升土壤肥力**:羊粪中含有丰富的有机质和多种营养元素,如氮、磷、钾等,能够增加土壤的有机质含量,改善土壤结构,提高土壤的保水保肥能力。

2. **促进土壤微生物繁殖**:发酵后的羊粪含有大量的有益微生物,这些微生物可以分解土壤中的有机物,增加土壤的团粒结构,改善土壤的透气性和保水性。

3. **增加土壤透气性**:羊粪中的有机物质能够促进土壤微生物的生长繁殖,形成微细管道,增加土壤的透气性,防止土壤板结。

4. **提供营养元素**:羊粪含有植物生长所需的大量营养养分和微量元素,能够为植物提供全面的营养。

5. **抑制病害**:羊粪中的有益菌群能够抑制土传病菌和病害的发生,增强植物的免疫力。

6. **减少化学肥料使用量**:使用羊粪可以减少对化学肥料的依赖,降低化学肥料的使用量和对土壤的污染。

7. **调节土壤酸碱度**:羊粪中含有丰富的有机酸和微量元素,可以调节土壤的酸碱度,改善土壤质地。

8. **增强农作物抗病、抗旱能力**:羊粪中的有机物质和微量元素能够增强作物的抗病、抗旱能力。

### 影响:


1. **可能携带病虫害**:未经处理的羊粪可能携带病原体和虫卵,因此在使用前需要经过发酵处理,以消除这些潜在的危害。


2. **过量使用可能导致土壤盐渍化**:如果羊粪使用过量,可能会导致土壤盐分积累,从而引起土壤盐渍化。

3. **影响土壤微生物平衡**:虽然羊粪中的有益微生物能够改善土壤结构,但过量使用也可能导致土壤微生物平衡被破坏。

4. **可能影响土壤pH值**:羊粪的pH值可能会影响土壤的酸碱度,过高的pH值可能会影响植物的生长。



1. **丰富的营养素**:油菜含有丰富的维生素C、维生素E、叶酸和β-胡萝卜素等,这些成分具有抗氧化作用,有助于清除体内自由基,预防细胞损伤。

2. **提高免疫力**:油菜中的维生素C是增强免疫力的关键营养素,可以帮助身体抵抗疾病。


3. **促进消化**:油菜含有大量的植物纤维,可以促进肠道蠕动,帮助消化,对于消化不良、便秘等有辅助治疗作用。

4. **降低血压**:油菜中含有的钾元素有助于降低血压,保护心脑血管健康。

5. **缓解疲劳**:研究表明,绿叶蔬菜中的硝酸盐可以转化为有助于心血管系统的一氧化氮,提高肌肉的氧利用率,减少疲劳感,加快恢复速度。

6. **抗衰老**:油菜中的维生素C和维生素E具有很强的抗氧化作用,可以延缓衰老过程。

7. **解毒消肿**:油菜具有活血化瘀、解毒消肿的功效,对于一些皮肤疾病如游风丹毒、手足疖肿等有一定的治疗作用。

8. **强身健体**:油菜中含有的钙、磷等矿物质,有助于骨骼和牙齿的健康,强身健体。

9. **润肺止咳**:油菜性平,不寒不燥,具有一定的润肺功能,对于咳嗽、咽喉不适有一定的缓解作用。

10. **预防癌症**:油菜中的β-胡萝卜素有助于维护免疫功能,抑制黏膜产生癌症,与维生素E结合还能提升抑制癌症的能力。



1. **营养价值高**:泥胡菜含有丰富的维生素和微量元素,如钙、磷、镁等,这些成分对于身体的代谢和营养平衡至关重要。


2. **促进骨骼再生**:泥胡菜中含有的钙、磷等矿物质有助于骨骼的生长和修复,对于促进骨骼再生有积极作用。


3. **清热解毒**:泥胡菜中的粗纤维和水分有助于清热解毒,对于体内火气较重、容易发热的人群有缓解作用。

4. **消肿化瘀**:泥胡菜具有消肿化瘀的功效,对于某些炎症性疾病,如乳腺炎、颈淋巴结炎等,有辅助治疗的效果。

5. **促进消化**:泥胡菜含有丰富的膳食纤维,可以促进胃肠蠕动,帮助消化,防止便秘。


6. **抗炎止血**:泥胡菜对于伤口有缓解疼痛、止血和消肿的作用,对于一些轻微的创伤,如擦伤、瘀伤等,有辅助治疗效果。

7. **治疗皮肤病**:泥胡菜对于风疹瘙痒等皮肤病有较好的治疗效果。

8. **辅助治疗其他疾病**:泥胡菜还可以辅助治疗妇女下坠腹痛、白带多等疾病。


铁马鞭,学名为Lespedeza bicolor,是一种来源于豆科植物的中药材。以下是对铁马鞭药效的详细解释:

1. **益气安神**:铁马鞭具有益气的作用,能够增强人体的正气,提高免疫力。同时,它还有安神的功效,对于失眠、多梦等神经衰弱症状有一定的缓解作用。

铁马鞭,学名为Lespedeza bicolor,是一种来源于豆科植物的中药材。以下是对铁马鞭药效的详细解释:

2. **活血止痛**:铁马鞭能够活血化瘀,改善血液循环,对于因气血不畅引起的疼痛,如筋骨疼痛、关节疼痛等,有很好的缓解效果。

3. **利尿消肿**:铁马鞭具有利水消肿的作用,可以帮助身体排出多余的水分,对于治疗水肿、小便不利等症状有显著疗效。

4. **解毒散结**:铁马鞭能够解毒,对于体内热毒积聚导致的症状,如发热不退、皮肤病症等,有很好的治疗作用。同时,它还有散结的功效,能够帮助消散体内的肿块,如淋巴结核、囊肿等。

5. **清热散结**:铁马鞭性寒,有清热作用,可以清除体内的热毒,对于因热毒引起的病症,如痈疽肿毒等,有很好的治疗效果。

6. **补肾壮阳**:铁马鞭具有一定的补肾壮阳作用,对于肾虚引起的腰膝酸软、阳痿早泄等症状,有一定的改善作用。

7. **治疗皮肤疾病**:铁马鞭对于皮肤表面的化脓性疾病,如痈、疮等,有很好的治疗效果。外敷或酒浸外敷均能起到消炎止痛的作用。

8. **辅助治疗其他疾病**:铁马鞭还可以用于治疗气虚发热、失眠、痧症腹痛、风湿痹痛、瘰疬等疾病。




1. **滋补身体**:羊肉粉含有大量的高质量蛋白质和丰富的氨基酸,这些成分对于增强体质、提高免疫力、促进身体健康有着重要作用。

2. **提高肾功能**:羊肉粉中的羊肉具有提高肾功能的效果,对于肾脏健康有益。

3. **增强免疫力**:羊肉富含多种对人体有益的矿物质和微量元素,能够调节人体内分泌,增强免疫力。

4. **补血补气**:羊肉粉中的羊肉含有丰富的铁质,对于补血、补气效果显著,特别适合气血两虚的人群。

5. **暖胃健脾**:羊肉性温,具有暖胃健脾的作用,对于脾胃虚寒、食欲不振、消化不良等症状有改善作用。


6. **抗衰老**:羊肉粉中的羊肉含有抗氧化成分,有助于抗衰老,保护皮肤健康。

7. **预防贫血**:羊肉粉中的铁质有助于预防贫血,对于贫血患者有很好的辅助治疗作用。

8. **助阳补肾**:羊肉粉中的羊肉具有补肾壮阳的功效,适合肾阳虚的人群食用。

9. **促进康复**:羊肉粉中的羊肉具有促进身体康复的作用,对于术后或病后体虚的人群尤为适宜。

10. **调节内分泌**:羊肉粉中的羊肉含有多种对人体有益的激素,有助于调节内分泌,保持身体机能平衡。

11. **保护胃黏膜**:羊肉粉中的羊肉可保护胃壁,增加消化酶的分泌,有助于消化。

12. **预防疾病**:羊肉粉中的羊肉具有一定的抗菌作用,有助于预防感冒等疾病。







– 这件衣服的面料质感极佳,仿佛具有雪贝之效,触感细腻。
– 这幅画的表面处理得非常精致,呈现出一种独特的雪贝之效。
– 这款珠宝的光泽如同雪贝之效,闪耀着迷人的光芒。

Xiangyang desperately rescued her with people holding off the different insects and snakes behind her, urging her to come back and tell her that "Jiankang sent fighter planes to attack the boss Feng, who was stabbed by your pro-guard captain in an animal skin boat. Liu Che was shot and wounded, and three green-scaly beasts were killed. All birds attacked the retreating crowd on the way to be chased by fighter planes. Commander Lin Qianyun became the commander-in-chief to define the four of them as four great harms."

At a distance, she realized that the wind had suddenly entered a state of fierce fighting. When Bo arrived, she found out whether it was in the military camp or the windy city army camp. It was their encirclement and suppression of the wind.
Lin Run rushed to the nearest communication point, grabbed the communication equipment and transferred it to the main control channel. She listened to every communication equipment in the military camp.
At the same time, the communication equipment and the broadcast in the military camp sounded Lin Runyin. "I am all people in Lin Run who immediately stop attacking the wind, put their weapons out of the fighting circle, and if they attack the wind again, they will be killed. I now officially announce that Lin Qianyun will be relieved of all duties and benefits from now on. If anyone finds her, please kill her immediately."
Lin Qianyun said from the communication equipment, "My sister Lin Run has died in the windy city. Who are you?"
Lin Rungen didn’t respond to Lin Qianyun, and her voice rang again. "I repeat, all people put their weapons out of the fighting circle and kneel on the ground to surrender. If anyone finds Lin Qianyun, please kill him immediately. I will clear the field in one minute." She finished with communication equipment and counted down to "659557 …"
Her calm and cold voice echoed in the windy city legion camp. Her voice was beautiful, but at the moment, there was a chill breath, like death lifting a sickle and slowly falling. That was the countdown to death.
Lin Qianyun sounded again. "I told you my sister is dead. She’s not Lin Run!" She reported the location of Lin Run, and the person closest to Lin Run used to court-martial the impostor on the spot.
Occupy a high position. The God Sniper Team was the first to withdraw from the battlefield and squat outside the barracks.
Lin Run and Sineitai almost evacuated at the same time.
As soon as she withdrew from Sineitai, officers of various armies reached the order of withdrawal one after another.
That’s the communication command sent by the main control channel. Only the commander-in-chief can master it and it’s limited. Lin Run’s life or death is true or false. The power wave can’t deceive people. She Sineitai won’t admit her mistake. Besides, the wind has killed all sides in the military camp. Their means of attack can’t fall. Instead, she has caused a lot of casualties
Teams quickly left the battlefield, and those intelligent high-tech equipment were still chasing the wind and attacking.
Lin Run’s sixty-second countdown ended, and she put the communication equipment out of the communication car in the awe of the communication soldier.
She jumped out of the car and the signalman gave a military salute. Immediately, the door left the battlefield as quickly as possible and parked in the corner of the camp. After that, she squatted like everyone else. The so-called "clearing" of Commander-in-Chief Lin was the most familiar to them, but that was the scope of her clearing.
Lin Run is so fast that you can’t even see the ghosting image running in the direction of the wind. Those men and machines are still chasing the wind, but then they are attacked by Lin Run. Whatever is around her is thrown at the man and machine. The man and machine have a defense system that can automatically scan the attacks from around. However, when encountering armored vehicles and ammunition boxes, they can’t play their way, they can dodge. The powerful computing system allows them to accurately calculate the evasive route among the dense missiles, and even find a gap to launch a counterattack towards Lin Run. According to the data, Lin Run keeps an "safe distance", which is the Lin Run attack distance set very accurately.
Suddenly, a man-machine should fall.
Followed by the second, the third and the fourth …
Man-machine was hit by bullets flying from a distance, and searched and searched almost without stopping. The man-machine detection equipment and anti-attack equipment seemed to fail in less than a minute, and no man-machine was seen in the sky following the wind. However, those high-tech videos were also attacked. The gun towers and forts were damaged in the attack of armor-piercing explosives, and even the searchlights in the high places were destroyed 2.
Mo Qingqing rushed to the windy city legion camp. First, he saw those good phalanxes squatting neatly with their hands behind their backs. Then he looked at the camp where there were traces of fighting everywhere. She released the ghost vine and held her high at the top to interweave into a chair. She sat in the big chair with a good floor and overlooked the barracks. Lin Runshen shouted, "Lin Run, are you too late to come back?" How are you going to pay for the three lives of the green three-scale beast family? " She knows too well that the wind has turned to nostalgia, and she is always a little soft-hearted from time to time. When Lin Run comes back, the wind will probably be handed over to Lin Run for handling, and then these people will be released.
It’s a little too good to surrender and squat.
If Lin Run didn’t come back in the windy city, if those snake scales vines didn’t tell her how dangerous Lin Run was, she must be the first to kill Lin Run now. They exchanged Lin Runxin for the death of a family of three aunts.
Lin Run looked up and Mo Qingqing asked, "What does Sister Xiao Mo want?"
MoQingQing staring at Lin Run questioned "they live up to those who died? Great aunt Qing’s family of three died and was smashed by fighter planes from the sky. All the birds carried nearly one million lives in debt, but the wind was besieged by them in the windy city legion camp. "She laughed especially sarcastically." This is the former wind department. This is the southern province. "
"Do you know what I didn’t come when the wind was attacked just now? Because she always has hope for you, she will want you to be good, but since we came back, people from the top to every soldier and many people in the southern province have regarded us as enemies. The southern province fighters killed my partner, and the southern province corps surrounded and killed my partner. Instead of fighting and occupying exotic plants and animals in the windy city, they pointed their guns at us and deliberately killed us. She took away the ghost vine and slowly fell to the ground. She looked at her and asked, "Do you still want to help them?"
The wind didn’t speak, but slowly spread his hands and was held in her palm. These bombs didn’t hit those exotic plants and animals, but hit them.
Lin Run’s eyes fell on the palm of the wind and looked for several seconds before he looked up and said to the windy city, "I am trapped in the nest of the king of different snakes. There are different vines rooted in my body and different snake eggs parasitic in my body. Fortunately, I have rich experience in infection and evolution, and I have survived until you arrive. The king of different snakes and different plants was scared by the boss’s power wave and migrated on the road and met the sun." She looked down at her abdomen when she spoke.
The vines in her abdomen spread out and almost occupied the hole in her abdomen. There was no dirt in the hole. She took the parasitic snake and tore it with her own hands. After tearing it, there was no bleeding and no wound healing. There was only one hole left and her heart was gone. She relied on the power crystal in her brain and the power in her spine to maintain her life and power.
She said, "I know that you will come to save me. I need to wait for three days to rescue me, and then I will release the power wave to let you find the snake nest through my position. I took risks and wanted to connect them to the nest end … You came to the windy city legion, and you were attacked. If you didn’t scare them, even if I could get the power from the alien king to maintain the consumption, I wouldn’t last two days." It was them and her who were betrayed. She was stabbed in the back by her relatives! I would rather lose a windy city than bury her there.
She said gently, "She is my sister and my closest relative in this world, and they have fled without fighting. From generals to soldiers, the snake nests are covered with corpses that have been eaten by young snakes. Almost all the people who have been robbed are ordinary people. Although the number of young snakes has just come out of their shells, their power strength is not strong. There are 200,000 troops in the Windy City Corps, 1,500 people are retired from active service, and more than 34,000 fighters with S-class power are not retired. I killed the king of different snakes and lost 117 people … When they saw the king of different snakes and the king of different plants appear at the same time, the whole team collapsed instantly … I killed the king of different snakes and I lost to the king of different snakes and they became the king of different plants. "
Lin Run looked at MoQingQing and said, "Sister Xiao Mo, you have come back from the sea province. After being treated like that, you are still willing to come back to save us when you are in trouble in the southern province. Xiangyang saved me. He saved my life and lost two great-grandchildren in Sun San … He brought three thousand people, except for his three great-grandchildren who are A-level powers, of which one hundred are S-level powers, and the elite department of the elite of Wuyang Legion was folded in …"
"My answer is that the world always needs someone to protect some order, and some accounts must be counted as Wuyang legion people. They must either go back to kill different snakes and plants and throw them back in their windy city or die-"
Lin Run went on to say, "The people and ordinary people’s department of Wuyang City evacuated the existing legions of Wuyang City, including soldiers and senior officials of government forces. Except for the disaster relief and evacuation of the people, the rest of them stayed in Wuyang City for total death. They couldn’t keep them alive." She said to Wu Nan and Mo Qingqing, "I need you to help me clean up the deserters who escaped and executed. I will personally go to Jielin Qian Yunlin’s family to send them to the battlefield and execute them on the spot."
Lin Run said word for word, "The world should not let the world sweat and sweat, and people will weep and cry again. Those deserters and villains should not be allowed to enjoy the success by stepping on other people’s blood and bones. I, Lin Run, will not let them have a chance to be commander-in-chief in one day, and they want to get merit in exchange." When she said this, she was absolutely beautiful, piercing, cruel and ferocious, as if a flower blooming from hell and full of blood.
Wu Nan looked at the windy city, and the news of Xiangyang’s sacrifice echoed in his mind.
After a long time, she raised her right hand and held a military salute posture. For a long time, she couldn’t let go of tears. She tried to hold back and couldn’t hold back. She couldn’t say how uncomfortable she was. There were two figures in her mind, one was Yingwu, who was sunny when he was young, and the other was white-haired and wrinkled.
Not long ago, she went to him with a gun, and he shot his only son, who was always mourning … with so many grandchildren on the battlefield …
Chapter 457
The wind slowly shook the bomb back in his hand, and his eyes fell from Lin Run’s face to her belly hole and looked at Lin Run again. "Will you come with us?"
Lin Run looked at the wind and found that her boss’s eyes were so serious and dignified. She knew that she was waiting for her to answer and choose them to leave her. If she chose to stay, it would be a different way for them. She looked at the camp and said slowly, "There are my relatives and soldiers here, but no one can entrust my back." She smiled with relief and looked at the wind and said firmly, "I will go with you."

Surprisingly, the hundreds of Shinto practitioners are mostly Shinto triple combinations, among which there are several Shinto four realms strong!

Each of these Shinto quadruple strong men commands one of the seven groups, and the most powerful group is Shinto Sect. There are already three Shinto quadruple masters, and as many as 36 people occupy one-third of the total!
They are in the nearest place to the central area, and the other six groups are in a confrontation, which is quite one enemy and six demeanor.
GuQing glanced at these people look is slightly zheng!
Among the seven groups, he not only discovered Shang Tianyue, the president of the Xinghe Commercial Association, but also discovered the "Jueque", the largest school in the cultivation of immortals-Guijian Sect!
Shang Tianyue and others, a total of 14 people, led by a young man in a white robe and full of detachment, returned to a sword Sect, and the triple master of Shinto came, and five of them all returned to another elder Fang Zhongyu, who ruled over the place occupied by these two forces. It seems that some kind of alliance has been reached and they seem to be on their own guard!
"Although Guiyijian Sect is powerful, it is also limited to the stars’ giant que’. Looking at the whole star world, their strength is not so outstanding. There are three forces in the absence. In this case, they have to temporarily unite with the better Xinghe Commercial Association. These forces are all hitting the one that is gestating. This alliance is not reliable, so they guard against each other and prevent each other from secretly!"
When Gu Qing looked at the two forces, the two powerful forces also saw him, especially Shang Tianyue’s face, which gave me a little surprise and shouted, "Is it Gu Qing?"
"hmm?" Hear ShangTianYue light shout Milky Way business association saint will look back from the ancient green body "is your’ juque’ star new that young man? In just over ten years, I have cultivated to the ancient peak of Shinto. "
"Since this person can defeat Yunyan of Xuanyang Tianzong Zhangjiao and Tang Zhenshan of Dihuang Lingzhang Jiaojiao, this level of strong repair will definitely not be weak. Let’s see if we can pull him into our camp to enhance our strength. Even if not, we should play well with him and try to maintain good friendship!"
"This ….." After hearing what the Holy One said, Shang Tianyue couldn’t help but think of the scene that happened when Gu Qing was still a six-fold Dan Dao. "Although this person had some potential, I forced him to sell the two worlds to us. He wanted to make him enjoy the cool under the white tree, so …" Speaking of this, his tone was slightly different. "But in those days, the Na He Venerable Master had some friendship with him. If the Holy One adults felt it necessary, they would try it in the past.
"Since there are some barriers, it’s just a triple practitioner of Shinto anyway. Maybe the horse will be driven away by the Shinto Sect!"
After all, the holy one is also a merchant, Tianyue Xinghe Commercial Association. A star president in Xinghe Commercial Association naturally has some identities. He can’t be a potential Shinto master and blame a loyal president of Xinghe Commercial Association!
"The Saint’s adult said that it was true that the Taoism was overbearing and could endure our waiting. Thanks to the deterrence of the Saint’s adult, he had no chance to get involved in this matter because of his three-fold practice of Shinto!"
When the people of Xinghe Commercial Association secretly discussed it, Fang Zhongyu, the great elder of Jianzong, also frowned. Seeing his reaction, a triple master of Shinto immediately said, "Elder, should we follow the instructions of the great adult to take this?"
Fang Zhongyu hesitated for a moment and glanced at the presence of many monks. After all, the two Shinto quadruple masters shook their heads. "Now the environment is more complicated. We should not start work at this time. We should remember his whereabouts first and then hand him over to my brother!"
"It’s the elder!"
The four masters of Shinto, the two major forces, negotiated for a moment and chose to stay put!
Almost after the consultation between the two Shinto masters, the direction of Shinto Sect has already flown out. Two Shinto triple masters opened their mouths and shouted, "The Shinto Sect is here to do things, and other people will leave as soon as possible, otherwise don’t blame me for waiting!"
Gu Qing frowned. "It’s you again!"
As soon as I got a bad impression of this sect,
But these two Shinto masters don’t care about Gu Qing’s attitude towards them!
They really Taoism in the surrounding star domain is an out-and-out first-class faction governing area with hundreds of stars and tens of billions of people. It can be said that it is so powerful that they will be afraid of a triple practitioner of Shinto. They politely said a word and didn’t get a response from Gu Qing. You’re welcome to drink immediately. "Are you deaf? Don’t get out of this place quickly. Do you mind if you don’t leave again? "
Before he finished his words, Gu Qing suddenly took two palms and contained several stars. The terrorist forces directly bombarded and the avalanche went to the two people!
Feeling the power contained in these two palms, the two faces were suddenly frightened to disgrace. At the first time, they offered a magic weapon to run the avatar to resist the roar of the mouth. "Don’t you dare, we are the elders of the True Sect …"
But GuQing eyes never considered the possible results after doing something!
There are two choices in his mind: to do or not to do.
When I was in the realm of Dan Dao, I faced the threat of the whole dazzling heavenly Sect, and I was fearless. What’s worse, just a true Taoist Sect?
The roar of two Shinto masters didn’t make Gu Qing’s attack converge in half. The power of two palms came to them without any pause. The great power of their magical powers directly resisted the rout and further shocked their vigorous qi. They directly shocked their mouths and vomited blood and quickly flew back …
The third volume The stars gather together. The two hundred and fortieth back to the jaws of prey
Blood spatter The two Shinto triple masters of Shinto Sect were shocked to fly out in one fell swoop, and their faces were as paper, and their breath suddenly fell to an unprecedented low point!
The triple realm of Shinto, Gu Qingxiu, is of the earth. Especially recently, he has sacrificed several third-class stars, and introduced these stars into the body to temper the body base, which is equivalent to the fact that there are four super-strong people at all times. He conveys the true qi continuously, and every blow contains great power!
Especially in these years, he has learned several pieces in succession, and his understanding of the law has become clearer. Although he still understands the law with the help of the power of the law, he knows all about some trends of these laws. In every move, he acts according to the direction of the law with the help of these forces, and his strength has climbed a level higher than before. In this case, let alone that his opponent is an ordinary practitioner of the triple realm of Shinto, even if two masters of Shinto Buddhism come here, the environment of this law may not be able to stand him!
"Two elders … this …"
"It’s so bold to dare to shoot at our true Taoist people. It’s simply impatient to live!"
"I’m a master of Taoism in the star world, and I’m waiting for compliance. Even if I enter the wild ancient world, I can occupy a place. You’re a poor and wild star field. How dare you make moves to me? It’ s against you! "
"Two elders, please order me to wait for this and take this arrogant person!"
Seeing two Shinto triple masters defeated in a face-to-face way, those Shinto masters suddenly became restless, and their eyes looked angry or cold or cruel as if their majesty had been challenged like never before!
For Shinto Shinto masters, Gu Qing was angry, as if he didn’t feel it, so he glared at dozens of people and went directly to the central area, surrounded by hundreds of Shinto masters, and his heart went to the past. When he confirmed that his heart was still poor at last, he calmed down and waited for someone.
"Damn … two adults … we really Daozong vertical and horizontal Xinghai for so many years have been bullied by just a triple practitioner of Shinto? This young man may have cultivated some powerful magical powers. Xiu Yuan wins the same rank, but we, the true Taoist Sect, have sent so many strong men to kill him this time, even if he has any powerful means … "
"Although he only rebuilt Shinto three times, his breath was condensed but not scattered in the deep body, and he was tempered and tough. Even if I practiced the hole, I could see through its details. Even if you went to a dozen, you might not be able to stand him!"
"But …"
What did the triple elder of Shinto Sect want to say, but he was blocked back by the cold eyes of the elder in white robe.
"In the immediate environment, our true Taoism will be destroyed, and he will waste some time. Let him go to a just Shinto triple place for the time being. What tricks can the practitioner churn out before he understands the law? Our real opponents are those people. "Then his eyes naturally glanced at the heads of the other six groups.
It means that those who have the quadruple strength of Shinto are truly qualified to be their opponents!
Gu Qing defeated two Shinto triple masters so easily, forcing Shinto people to be patient for a while and once again attracted the attention of all practitioners in the other six groups present!
Fang Zhongyu, the elder of the Sword Sect, has a careful look in his eyes. Some people doubt whether his brother offended Gu Qing and led to the correct appearance plan of Mo Wen … After all, as far as he knows, this Gu Qing is a terrible person who has survived the silence of Leijie, and his future is limitless. Nine times out of ten, he wants to be promoted to Xiandao characters, even if he is far from saying that his eyes have strength enough to make everyone look askance.
However, on second thought, it was associated with the fact that Mo Wen, the god-killing devil’s patriarch, set off that bloody affair in the cultivation of immortals, which caused that indelible wound to the whole cultivation of immortals in the "Grand Que". He also had to press this suspicion away in his heart!

"Is there anything I haven’t calculated?"

"there should be no"
Fang Qingyun scrutinized it again and found no flaw.
"Haoran sword is in my hand! Who will take it!"
Just then, there came a sound in the cave.
With this sound, a man and a woman came out side by side.
The woman is the monarch of Chihong, but the man is Yang Ruoxu!
At this time, Yang Rexu was in a state of serious injury and dying. Instead, he was surrounded by awe-inspiring righteousness and his eyes were like looking around!
Many younger brothers have lost to each other, but one dares to look at them!
Chapter two thousand three hundred and fifty-nine Du Jie
Yang Ruoxu practiced Haoran Zhengqi Jing, and he always acted with an open mind and a chivalrous heart.
While Fang Qingyun is full of benevolence, righteousness and morality under the banner of the hospital, in fact, they are intrigued and have other plans.
Now Yang Ruoxu’s recovery from injury is better than before. Who dares to take the noble sword in his hand?
Who is qualified to take Haoran Sword?
The Haoran Zhengqi Classic has been inherited for a long time, but not many practitioners have been able to cultivate monk Dacheng since ancient times, and even fewer have done so.
In this courtyard, there is also Yang Ruoxu who has successfully cultivated the Haoran Zhengqi Classic.
Although Chang Qi claims to practice this sutra, in fact, the fur roots can’t exert the true power of this sutra.
Who can guarantee that they have done nothing wrong?
Who can guarantee that he has not made a mistake?
Who can guarantee that everything he does is aboveboard?
Don’t say it’s the gate, even if the whole courtyard adds up, many elders have Yang Rexu to be in charge of the noble sword!
Fang Qingyun never thought that Yang Rexu had recovered from his injury and returned to his peak!
All his calculations collapsed in a moment when Yang Re was imaginary.
Even though there have been many people, they are also scattered!
Fang Qingyun is a younger brother, but at this time, Yang Rexu’s momentum with a noble sword is also lost.
"It turns out that Teacher Yang’s injury has healed, which is really gratifying."
Qing-yun fang strain extremely fast, not going to Yang Rexu head-on, but taking a step back and handing congratulations.
At Qing-yun Fang Yang Rexu coldly didn’t reply, and then looked up at the sky with awe.
It was high in the hot sun at noon.
But at this time, there are a lot of dark clouds gathering in the courtyard, and it is getting dark.
"This is …"
Fang Qingyun and others noticed this scene and looked shocked!
"Going to Du Jie!"
Someone in the crowd exclaimed.
This stereo sounds like a stone, which stirs up a thousand waves and instantly explodes in the crowd!
"Yang Ruoxu encountered such a disaster that every cloud has a silver lining took the most crucial step and will step into the real situation!"
"Hum! It’s not that easy! Throughout the ages, there have been many people in Du Jie, but 30% of them have been able to survive the 69-day robbery, condense the Taoist fruit and step into the true realm to achieve true fairy! "
"Anyway, Yang Rexu has come this far and more people don’t even have a chance to Du Jie."
"I didn’t expect that hundreds of my classmates were Brother Yang’s first Du Jie. If Du Jie succeeds, Brother Fang will be left behind."
Listen to the discussion around Fang Qingyun surly eyes shocked and jealous.
However, the vision in the sky has attracted everyone’s attention and no one has paid attention to him.
See Yang Ruoxu’s figure rising slowly and attracting much attention!
There was a man standing tall and straight in front of the ink-leaning abode of fairies and immortals, and his eyebrows and stars were distinguished. It was Yuehua Sword Fairy.
Not far away, the ink poured down from the immortal.
Yuehua Sword Fairy greeted her with a smile. "Sister, I’ve been worried about you these days. If you don’t come back, I’m ready to leave for the A-nose hell!"
"Thank you for your concern."
Ink nodded his head and looked cool.


A muffled sound!
The arrow nailed to the tree spirit guard caused 1 damage.
When the tree spirit guards were stimulated, they immediately responded. When they closed their eyes, they revealed the oily green light. The bark was peaceful and seemed to be asleep. At this moment, the face became extremely distorted and ferocious.
Hangyu suddenly felt a toothache.
This product is really special, rough and rough!
It is not easy to grind the tree spirit guard to death, because he has 1 point of life and a strong recovery ability, and he can recover 1 point of life every few seconds.
But not
Now it’s time for me!
Hang Yu picked up Goblin’s short crossbow and fired continuously.
Arrows are shot out quickly and nailed to the tree spirit guard, causing "111 …" damage.
The tree spirit guards were very angry, and the branches were shaking, but there was nothing they could do about Hangyu.
Hang Yu learned from his mind that the tree spirit guards are actually quite strong.
There are three skills alone.
There are two range attack techniques.
One is "root entanglement" and the other is "wooden thorn assault"
Its damage ability is quite terrible, and it can wear white armor for three-level fighters every second.
Tree spirits guard those who are not afraid of the law.
Because its spell defense ability is very high
And has a passive skill called "Elf Breathing"
This skill can increase the defensive resistance of spells, and when attacked by formal spells, it can offset and absorb some spells and gain a slight recovery attribute increase.
This means that spell attacks are difficult to deal with this monster.
Although it is very powerful, it has fatal defects.
None of the tree spirits have the ability to move, and the tree spirits guard the tree spirits, which belong to a relatively low level. The tree spirits have no ability to attack at a long range, so they need to grasp two tricks to deal with it easily.
The first is purely physical attacks.
The second is to keep a distance of about 15 meters.
No matter how powerful your tree guard is, you can’t even touch the old man. Can you resist me?
Chapter 33 The most lean man in Jiangcheng
When people haven’t adapted to the spiritual world.
When people are still afraid of level 1 common monsters
When a few men and women are shameless and naked in the forest.
Hang Yu has already hunted level 3 elite monsters alone!
This gap is like when you are still pedaling three rounds for a living and I have been driving a BMW to pick up girls.
But then again, the tree spirit guards. This guy is really rough-skinned
Fortunately, Hangyu is a dog with deep pockets. He has prepared enough arrows in advance, otherwise it will be difficult to kill him even if he knows the method.
About twenty minutes or so
The tree spirit guards let out a low moan, and the light in their eyes dissipated.
After several balls of light burst from the body,
It turned into a corpse without moving.
"Finally killed this guy!"
Hang Yu breathed a sigh of relief.
In fact, this process is scary.
If you get too close, you will be killed.
If it is too far away, the damage effect of crossbow will be weakened.
In addition, even if I am very sure that the tree spirit guards can’t attack myself, it’s hard to guarantee that one or a group of angry cuckolders will suddenly jump out from behind when shooting straight in front.
all the best
A huge aura crazy into the body.
It’s ten times more refreshing than taking a swig of cold beer on a hot day!
The tree spirit guard is worthy of being a level 3 elite monster, and the aura generated by Hangyu is very abundant, and the aura of Hangyu’s exclusive body has risen from 9 to 15.
A full increase of 15 points!
If you want to kill three more, you can rise to level 3!
Hang Yu should have been promoted to level 3 long ago because he had to consume aura to learn stealth skills, which led to the delay … Now it seems that it is worthwhile to pay!