
1. **丰富的营养素**:黎米含有大量的蛋白质、淀粉、糖分、不饱和脂肪酸、粗纤维以及多种维生素和矿物质,如钙、镁、磷、锌等。这些营养素有助于补充身体所需,维持健康。

2. **增强免疫力**:黎米中的氨基酸和微量元素可以增强人体抵抗力,调节免疫系统和内分泌系统,提高机体对外界应激反应的能力,从而预防疾病和抗癌。

3. **调节血糖血脂**:黎米有助于调节血糖、血脂,对高血压、高血糖、高血脂等慢性疾病患者有益。

4. **助孕改善酸碱平衡**:黎米有助孕作用,能够改善人体酸碱平衡,对于孕妇及备孕人群有很好的保健作用。


5. **保护心血管**:黎米中的营养成分有助于缓解血管压力,维护心脑血管健康,具有较好的保护血管的功效。

6. **促进消化**:黎米含有丰富的粗纤维,有利于消化系统的健康,对消化功能不佳的人群有良好的改善作用。

7. **滋养身体**:黎米含有丰富的植物蛋白,能快速转化为氨基酸,提高身体各器官功能,增强人体素质。

8. **补益气血**:黎米含有丰富的铁和磷,有助于提高血红蛋白含量,改善贫血症状。

9. **低热量低脂肪**:黎米是一种低热量、低脂肪的食物,适合减肥人群食用。


10. **调节酸碱平衡**:黎米属于碱性食品,有助于维持人体酸碱平衡,保持健康体质。




1. **高蛋白质含量**:多宝鱼富含高质量的蛋白质,是人体必需氨基酸的良好来源,有助于肌肉生长和修复。

2. **健康脂肪酸**:多宝鱼含有较高的ω-3脂肪酸,这种必需脂肪酸对人体健康至关重要,能帮助降低血脂,缓解大动脉和其他血管的压力,有效降低心脏病的发病率。

3. **维生素A和C**:多宝鱼含有丰富的维生素A和C,这两种维生素对维护视力健康、增强免疫力以及促进皮肤健康都十分有益。


4. **矿物质**:多宝鱼还含有钙、铁等矿物质,这些矿物质对于骨骼健康、血液循环和整体代谢功能都是必不可少的。


5. **胶原蛋白**:多宝鱼中的胶原蛋白含量较高,这种蛋白质有助于皮肤弹性和光泽,具有美容养颜的效果。

6. **其他功效**:多宝鱼还具有暖胃和中、平降肝阳、祛风、治痹、截疟、益肠明眼目等功效,对虚劳、风虚头痛、肝阳上亢、高血压、头痛、久疟等有一定的辅助治疗作用。




1. **补充软骨营养**:维骨力的主要成分是氨基葡萄糖,这是构成人体软骨细胞的重要营养素之一。它能够帮助补充骨营养,增强骨骼,保护并修复关节软骨。


2. **促进软骨再生**:维骨力可以刺激软骨细胞,合成胶原蛋白和透明质酸,有助于修复受损的关节软骨,并促进新的关节软骨和滑膜的生成。

3. **润滑关节**:维骨力可以促进关节液的分泌,从而润滑关节软骨面,减少关节磨损,使关节部位更加灵活。


4. **缓解炎症与疼痛**:维骨力不仅可以消除关节炎症,缓解关节疼痛,还能抑制非特异性因子的炎症反应,阻碍炎症的并发,从而提高人体关节的免疫力。

5. **适用范围**:维骨力适用于骨性关节炎的早期和中期治疗,对于急性和慢性关节炎也有一定的辅助治疗作用。但是,对于重度骨性关节炎的效果可能并不显著。

6. **使用事项**:在服用维骨力时,通常需要配合非甾体类抗炎药一起使用,以达到更好的疗效。部分患者可能会出现恶心、便秘、腹胀和腹泻等轻微不适,这些都是正常的副作用。


7. **剂量与注意事项**:虽然维骨力的副作用相对较小,但过量服用仍然可能产生不良反应。建议在医生或药师的指导下使用,避免自行增加剂量。



1. 药效:
– 活血化瘀:虫龙具有活血化瘀的作用,适用于治疗血瘀引起的疼痛、肿胀等症状。
– 止痛:虫龙有止痛的作用,适用于治疗头痛、牙痛、关节痛等症状。


– 活络通经:虫龙能活络通经,适用于治疗经闭、痛经等症状。


– 抗炎:虫龙具有一定的抗炎作用,适用于治疗风湿性关节炎、痛风等炎症性疾病。

2. 影响:
– 虫龙药性温,有活血化瘀的功效,适用于血瘀证。
– 服用虫龙时,需注意剂量和疗程,过量或长期服用可能导致不良反应。
– 孕妇、哺乳期妇女、体质虚弱者及有出血倾向者应慎用虫龙。
– 虫龙可能与其他药物产生相互作用,如抗凝血药物、抗血小板药物等,需在医生指导下使用。


1. 严格按照医生指导用药,切勿自行随意调整剂量或疗程。
2. 注意观察用药后的反应,如有不适,应及时停药并就医。


3. 避免与抗凝血药物、抗血小板药物等药物同时使用,以免增加出血风险。
4. 孕妇、哺乳期妇女、体质虚弱者及有出血倾向者应在医生指导下使用虫龙。


1. **润肠通便**:黑芝麻油中含有丰富的纤维素,可以帮助改善肠道功能,对于习惯性便秘和老年体虚引起的便秘有一定的缓解作用。

2. **补肝肾**:黑芝麻油中的营养成分有助于补肾益精,对于改善肝肾不足的症状有一定的帮助,尤其是对于男性提高精液质量有益。


3. **美容养颜**:黑芝麻油中的维生素E具有抗氧化作用,可以减少自由基的产生,清除体内的氧化代谢产物,有助于改善肌肤状态,延缓衰老。

4. **养发护发**:黑芝麻油能够促进头发中黑色素的合成,有助于恢复白发变黑,同时也有助于减轻脱发症状,对头发健康有积极作用。

5. **补血益气**:黑芝麻油中的铁元素有助于改善缺铁性贫血,对补血益气有一定的帮助。

6. **促进大脑发育**:黑芝麻油中的不饱和脂肪酸如油酸和亚油酸,对大脑发育有积极作用,有助于提高智力和记忆力。


7. **补钙强骨**:黑芝麻油中含有较高的钙含量,有助于骨骼发育,预防骨质疏松。

8. **增强免疫力**:黑芝麻油中的氨基酸、维生素和矿物质有助于促进新陈代谢,提高人体免疫力。

9. **降糖降胆固醇**:黑芝麻油有助于调节血糖水平,降低血液中的胆固醇,预防动脉硬化。

10. **其他功效**:黑芝麻油还有助于缓解因肾虚引起的脱发问题,对预防大肠癌也有一定的积极作用。



1. **养肝益肾**:桑葚花性味甘寒,具有补肝益肾的功效。在中医理论中,肝藏血,肾藏精,二者相互依存,共同维持人体的健康。桑葚花可以帮助调节肝肾,对于肝肾阴虚、腰膝酸软、头晕目眩等症状有改善作用。

2. **润肠通便**:桑葚花能促进胃液分泌,刺激肠蠕动,有助于缓解便秘问题。这对于因消化系统问题导致的排便困难有很好的调理作用。


3. **养颜美容**:桑葚花含有丰富的营养成分,如维生素C、白黎芦醇等,这些成分具有抗氧化作用,有助于延缓衰老,改善皮肤血液循环,使皮肤白嫩,对于美容养颜有很好的效果。

4. **抗衰老**:桑葚花中的抗氧化成分能有效地抵抗自由基,减缓细胞老化,从而起到延缓衰老的作用。

5. **增强免疫力**:桑葚花能增强人体免疫力,提高身体素质,有助于抵抗疾病。

6. **促进新陈代谢**:桑葚花能促进新陈代谢,有助于保持身体健康。


7. **辅助治疗疾病**:桑葚花对于治疗糖尿病、贫血、高血压、高血脂、冠心病、神经衰弱等疾病有一定的辅助疗效。

– **桑葚花茶**:将干燥的桑葚花泡水饮用,可以加入适量的冰糖调味,既可饮用,也有助于健康。
– **桑葚花膏**:将桑葚花与其他食材如枸杞、红枣等熬制成膏,可以起到滋补肝肾、营养肌肤、防脱发、改善睡眠等作用。



Li Zhichang whispered, "Are there any guests who don’t knock at the door?"

Mu Qingliu wry smile way "seems to be no"
He added, "shall I go out and knock on the door again?"
Li Zhichang shouted, "Is there a door?"
For the first time, Mu Qingliu showed a solemn look and said "Yes"
Li Zhichang pointed, "Where is it?"
Mu Qingliu suddenly relaxed and said, "Since I passed the door, I naturally forgot."
Li Zhichang also sighed and said, "You are even worse than I thought. If you practice not the flower-sending method but the Taoist method, I can be sure that you are the second person in the magic door through the ages."
Mu Qingliu said, "Can you tell me about this first person? Mo Yi? Or the evil emperor Xie Tiao? "
Li Zhichang sink a way, "If you practice the Tao and cultivate the magic solution, they won’t treat you."
Mu Qingliu was a little curious. "So I’d like to know who this first person is?"
Li Zhichang smiled faintly. "He is in the future."
Mu Qingliu said, "Are you so sure?"
Li Zhichang said, "You don’t believe me?"
Mu Qingliu said, "Do you ask Miss Yi Zhongxiu if she believes it?"
Xie Zhongxiu didn’t feel complete about their inscrutable conversation, but he still nodded solemnly, "I believe it."
I silently feel sorry for Mu Qingliu, a good friend. It’s really because Master blade master wants to teach her martial arts. The cakes here are really delicious.
Xie Zhongxiu, a aristocratic woman, can tell this interest even if she is confused again.
Mu Qingliu’s face shows a strange expression, which is probably similar to egg pain if it can be expressed in words.
Mu Qingliu made a painful statement, "Miss Xiu, I didn’t expect you to do this to me. Do you know that this blade master is benefiting you to hit me?"
Xie Zhongxiu said one leng, "Why can’t I see it?"
Li Zhichang sprinkled a smile. "The sage will be like this again. If I don’t know that you and the little girl have known each other for a long time, I won’t bring her here today. Miss Xie, your friend is the first lover of the magic door. If he doesn’t have some love for you and respect for Xie Anshi, your father Xie Xuan and Xie Anshi would have been assassinated by him."
Speaking, Li Zhichang pulled out his sword and when people didn’t respond, he reached one end of the bridge and longed for a clean stream.
Two people are ready to start work.
Mu Qingliu this time is to test whether Li Zhichang is really that bad, but up to now he still hasn’t gained the wind.
Even though the flower school naturally let him wander around and get the admiration of most women, he still didn’t get Xie Zhongxiu’s heart.
From Xie Zhongxiu’s question just now, I believe that Li Zhichang has formed a psychological blow to him.
Li Zhichang’s almost enemy swordsmanship also has a high psychological strategy for him, which shows that Li Zhichang is not blindly arrogant, but does things in a watertight way.
A person who is extremely powerful, powerful, and independent of worldly views is actually a natural saint.
It is because of this that he understands how terrible such people are.
In a way, Li Zhichang will be more perfect, and Mo Yi has no weaknesses to grasp or even if there is, it is not something he can touch now.
Such as the high wall strength towards Li Zhi Changping pushed past the water to blow up a series of tall water columns, which can show that Mu Qing’s outflow capability is shocking at the moment.
On the other side, Li Zhichang’s sword fluttered and lived for a few days, and it was like a wall, like a strong wall, to eliminate the shape.
At the same time, let the pavilion and pool surface behind him become two completely different worlds.
On the surface of the pool, the clear load was like a fright, and once it reached Li Zhichang, it was calm and even more powerful to destroy every grass and tree in a grain of dust
Chapter 51 Invincible people
Li Zhichang calmly cope with easy.
The sword light enveloped Judah with its own counterattack and there was no other way to make Mu Qingliu.
From this point of view, Mu Qingliu is really inferior to a big realm in Li Zhichang.
This is the gap between Mu Qingliu’s skill and experience, even if the flower school method is insufficient.
There are very few masters like him, unless they are born to fight saints or practice yang gods to gain insight into the mystery of the universe
Otherwise, no matter how much tricks and experience he craves, there will be no cheap to take.
This time, it is not only whether he longed for Qingliu to test out the depth of Li Zhichang, but whether he longed for Qingliu to live from Li Zhichang.
Li Zhichang sword gives birth to a mans milli keep maser.
Mu Qingliu’s eyes swelled and his white robe was full of true qi, and his hands turned into a Tai Chi.
It’s authentic. You can’t be authentic.
It can be seen that Mu Qingliu has moved from the magic to the peak of the ancients in front of a magic door, which is certainly what he found out from the ancient books of the door by knowing the natural shortcomings of the flower school method.
Exhausted the last strength longed for the desire to finally catch Li Zhichang’s firm but gentle forehead.
He can’t be sure how much he can block. The only thing that can be sure about swordsmanship is that he will definitely fail.
The taste of failure is really bitter, especially in front of the person you like.
But if he can get over this hurdle, he will become stronger

"Haha, it’s another 3,000 wealth!"

Yang guang excitedly kept collecting bones and exchanging them non-stop. Looking at the rising wealth value, he decided to put out the fire and ask for bones just now.
You know, bones contain bone oil. Although the bone base is composed of calcium, it can burn with the help of oil.
If he had decided to do it later just now, the loss would have been great if the bones were scrapped due to intense combustion
At this time, however, Yang Guang suddenly felt a cold wind coming from his back, and the most important thing was that he felt an inexplicable crisis at the same time.
Yang guang looked back!
This look at Yang guang’s face turned white in an instant!
Because what he sees now turns out to be a cannibal flower, and that maw is roaring towards him!
What ….. What he also clearly see in the center of gravity of the flower that strange painted face is as if than satisfiedly smile towards him …
Sweat like rain!
And it’s still a cold sweat!
Yang guang never dreamed that the original man-eating flower, which was already dead in his opinion, appeared in front of him again, and it was still a big mouth that appeared in front of him when he was on guard.
If I had known … if I had known!
However, since he stepped on this different land, Yang Guang told himself that he must be careful!
But just a little negligence can keep the bones safe in the fire and get hundreds of thousands of wealth!
At this moment Yang Guang regretted it!
Heart, as expected, confirmed the old saying that people’s wealth dies and birds eat and die!
Regret it?
Not only regret more but also fear!
He is afraid that Comrade Yang Sandao and Sister Xuan Yi will wait for the white-haired man who has not returned to send the black-haired man. He is afraid that Yangmei will wait as long as Zhang Xiaoyu …
"I can’t just die! I want to go back, and I want to be a warrior. I want Comrade Yang Sandao and Sister Xuan Yi to enjoy themselves … I want to … "
Seeing that evil smiling face is getting closer and closer to himself, Yang Guang suddenly wakes up.
Waiting to die!
Not your own character! Is it not just a big mouth? Maybe I really can’t escape?
Yang guang a grind body is fierce to the side of a robot missed survived the cannibal flower attack this time.
However, it was this one that threw his palm at the scattered branches that had not been extinguished.
Yang Guang’s physical conditioned reflex was fierce, and he rolled over. When he saw the palm of his hand, several blisters the size of peas had already appeared on both palms!
But Yang Guang can not consider of many brimming with palms to tore heart crack lung pain saw cannibal flower mouth has descended again.
There is no doubt that he is Yang Guang or the man-eating flower. After these days, both sides are already immortal. Just Yang Guang neglected to let the man-eating flower escape, but the man-eating flower won’t give Yang Guang a chance.
In a hurry, Yang Guang also wants to avoid the man-eating flower mouth that has appeared in his left front before he can make a move.
Yang guang without hesitation dint sole bones suddenly a face of "Kaka" ring by him. He wanted to continue to pounce on the side, but the big mouth was less than half a meter away from him!
Black fog with cannibalism that painted face bursting out a big fishy smell is smoked Yang guang brain faint.
In this crisis, Yang Guang controls the body that has become numb and tries his best to make another jump!
A like iron tongs folded "click" immediately in Yang guang ear rings.
At the same time, Yang Guang felt that a cool back was followed by a wet back …
Chapter 51 Long-term
Physical paralysis is almost unconscious!
But Yang guang know back must be a bloody!
However, I escaped the blow. What about the blow?
Yang guang didn’t half grasp watched escape has looked at he finally turned my head!
"Even if you go to die, you will have a hard time!"
Yang guang was staring at the man-eating flower feet in front of him, but it was difficult to move to the bone pile. A few pieces of branches that had not been cleaned up and were still smoking.
Aren’t you afraid of fire?
Labor and capital make you often swallow charcoal today!

The chain is about three meters long, which is too close. At least a quarter of the shrapnel from the Grenade explosion in Gaza Yong is poured into the bunker. If Qi is not in a half-lying position, then his base is the same as Shayong Field.

But even so, Qi’s abdomen and legs were hit by shrapnel, and the left cheek was scraped through by rubble, and the bones were glued to a tooth hook, all of which were exposed outside the flesh.
In the distance, Gao Feng’s brain looked at Sha Yong’s body with white eyes and shouted with both fists, "Fuck you, Qi will always cut you to pieces!"
Sha Yong’s tragic death directly blames people for the peak storm. The order is that he will reach the surface, and the follow-up is 100% to pursue the responsibility. If it is not good, the Sha family will shoot him.
What is the status of Sha Yong? He is the director of Songjiang municipal services department in the ninth district, ranking second only to Shen Yin. His father is a lieutenant general and his grandfather is the deputy commander of the first war zone command. The strength of the whole family can rank in the top five in the ninth district.
In a war zone, except Shenyang, it is Shajia.
So the consequences of the character’s death are self-evident.
Gao Feng was really anxious. He shouted with a gun, "Take him alive for me. Make sure to take him alive."
At the same time, the soldiers moved forward quickly and hid in the bunker. Qi kept taking out grenades from his pocket and throwing them around.
The explosion kept ringing, and the surrounding soldiers were beaten back twice by this desperate play. People who have no hope of living are also guilty in their hearts.
Just after Qi threw the pistol at the last moment, the hand bud slowly picked up the pistol, and the sky on the west side of the mountain suddenly burst into strong light.
"Bang bang …!"
The anti-machine gun roared and instantly pulled up the bomb net at the top of Xueshan Mountain. The four helicopters were swept away in one round before they could react.
At the same time, three helicopter gunships printed with Marion came from the side quickly, and four machine guns fired wildly at the mountain soldiers.
Qi has no way Qin Yu has no way.
Because the exchange of fire is in Shajia defense zone, Chen Bingtuan can’t take the initiative to come into the fire, otherwise it will lead to military friction, and Wu Tianyin’s distance is too far, and no matter how fierce the ordinary ground thunder is, there is no way to show his hand to the regular army. Qin Yu can’t transfer Marion’s armed civil air defense in case.
After the gun rang, Xiao Qi and others also hit from the side. More than a dozen people threw bombs and smoke on their backs. Don’t play them. At that time, the mountain was rolling.
Marion’s armed forces came to a battalion, and the people on the Sha family’s side searched in a large scale within a range of 50 kilometers. There were not many troops who arrived in Xue Shan at the first time, but this power contrast was that if the two sides were temporarily stuck, the Sha family would fight more and more, and Marion did not support them.
Peripheral Fu Xinhao took the words and shouted, "His mother, let Xiaoqi move quickly or you will be held back and everyone will be finished."
halfway up the mountain
"Quickly advance by helicopter cover!" Xiaoqi waved his hand and kept yelling.
The half-helicopter has scattered the soldiers who surrounded Qi, and the military conflict is so high that it is a massacre situation.
About two minutes after the storm, Xiao Qi rushed to the surrounding area of the bunker, carrying a gun and sweeping it to the inside. Song Yingjun was completely in shock, and Qi’s tragic sample made him lose his mind as an old thunder.
"Come … people get to the mountain" Xiao Qi waved "Let the helicopter pick up one in the distance"
"Roger that!"
Just then, a shot came up.
Xiaoqi’s back suddenly and violently rang, and the whole person rushed forward three steps and fell to the ground.
Fang Gaofeng shouted with a sniper machine gun, "Lishan dead trees avoid helicopter shooting and stall them!"
Chapter 1646 A forward Qi Ye
Surrounding bunker
The four soldiers protected Xiao Qi for the first time and shot at the surface with an explosion-proof shield.
Xiao Qi turned around a little slowly and vomited blood and phlegm.
"QiGe are you all right? !”
"Nothing!" Xiao Qi felt that he might be fractured in the left position behind him, but he still insisted on holding his hands on the ground and getting up. "Don’t withdraw the ink!"
Say that finish six people respectively with March Song Yingjun two people quickly ran to the mountain.
Xiao Qi ran two steps and felt his chest was very uncomfortable. He bowed his head and vomited one mouthful blood directly.
"Brother Qi, what are you doing?"
"His mother bone stubble seems to be tied to something …!" Xiao Qi wiped her mouth. "It’s all right. Let Lao Liu cover the others behind. Don’t continue to fight!"
At the same time, Xiao Qi led a dozen people to the mountain with the help of helicopter cover, while the middle-aged man named Liu took a dozen others to intercept and pursue the soldiers of Shajia at the peak.
All the way to escape, everyone was flustered and came to the mountain to meet the helicopter to reduce the height. Xiao Qi tied Qi and Song Yingjun directly to pose for takeoff.
The cabin crew dragged Qi and Song Yingjun away from the battlefield quickly.
People grabbed it and ran away!
An armed soldier of Marion Company was responsible for covering the retreat on the road, while Xiao Qi kept discouraging him from escaping by helicopter without himself and taking his brother to Chenfang District.
Everyone just rang out from the Xue Shan walkie-talkie and shouted, "They are chasing more and more people, and two even soldiers are coming from the north … Lao Liu is in danger!"

Holding a secret treasure, Yang Xiu, the mother of the earth, sneers at what secret treasure is fake.

Fooling Yang Xiu to participate in the death fight is a kind of thing that contains a lot of aura.
Xiong Kuohai set out with Yang Xiu. They are far away from the main hall and those large arrays.
But on the fourth day of Yang Xiu, the Great Sanctuary followed him and watched him intensely.
Yang xiu can kill if he breaks through the imperial sword.
This can be left in the wild and bring trouble to the family.
But the other five people don’t know what realm is really hard to stop.
It’s impossible to think about each other again, Yang Xiu. It’s ridiculous that a night watchman dispatched five holy areas.
Sanctuary is dignified.
One or two sanctuaries are not without opportunities. When the time comes, I will see who the enemy is looking for opportunities.
But when we disembarked, they just left Xiongjia Avenue and automatically remitted several teams.
Xiong Kuohai immediately turned to look at the hand as if asking something.
Those people came over and someone shouted, "Brother Xiong, I’m Wu Xu to accompany you!"
"Xiong Xiao heard that you were busy today, and I was furious and came to see it."
"Why didn’t the bear call me when it was so noisy!"
These people appeared in Xiong Kuohai and couldn’t stop smiling at them. He didn’t seem to dare to offend them
Zhao Wanjun sound appeared quietly in Yang Xiu’s ear.
"Yang xiu, you be careful Xiong Kuohai.
They colluded with Jing Jia to frame you.
There is bound to be cheating in the fight to the death
But I’m not afraid that I’ll push Zhao Jialian to join the Xiang family, Wu family and Qu family. All four of us support you except Gaos thought waste.
The Jing family desperately searched for the death knight, and they were all afraid that your death knight would be acquired by the Jing family, which led to the dominance of the Jing family.
Don’t worry, Xiong Jia’s trick is over, and none of them will want to harm you! "
This is a secret tone. Yang Xiu can’t answer when he hears it.
He can’t stop nodding!
A warm heart!
Thank you, Princess Zhao Wanjun. It’s a key moment. Really!
Zhao Wanjun said again, "Yang Xiu, you pay attention to the fact that personal equipment is not allowed in the death fight.
But everyone can bring a weapon or choose a combat weapon in the battle field.
When choosing, notice that there are three black fingers, which are night watchman weapons.
You choose the one with silver wire, and there is a fourth-order mushroom Taoist instrument in the finger claw. Even if the other party sends a fourth-order sanctuary, it can kill him.
You will win this battle! "
Yang xiu face a black Xiong Kuohai this bastard is too dark.
It turns out that the purpose of the fourth-order earth mother is to let herself not choose the battlefield weapon, but to bring the earth mother into the stadium.
The plan is so detailed that you have to set it for yourself.
What a step-by-step set!
They remitted Xiong Kuohai with a wry smile and greeted everyone one by one.
Wu Xu, Xiang was furious, Qu Zhang, Zhao Guang …
These are four big families, similar to him, and he dare not attack them when he is killing them.
It turns out that when fighting to the death, the Xiong family and the Jing family rejected the Zhao family and played as they wanted.
Now Zhao, Xiang, Wu and Qu are all present.
Four to two, it’s impossible to expel them from the stadium to watch the war.
Finally, it’s up to Jingjia to do one-on-one work.