
### 功效与作用


1. **去腥解腻**:
– 料酒中的乙醇具有挥发作用,能够使肉类中有腥膻味的蛋白和胺类物质挥发,从而去除鱼、肉类的腥膻味。
– 黄酒、汾酒等酒类的酒精浓度较低(约15%),在去除腥膻味的同时,不会破坏肉类中的蛋白质和脂类。

2. **增香提味**:
– 料酒中含有较多的糖分和氨基酸,能够起到增香、提味的作用。
– 纯白酒的酒精浓度较高(约57%),可能会破坏肉类中的蛋白质和脂类,且提味作用不如料酒。

3. **补充氨基酸**:
– 料酒含有黄酒必备的8种氨基酸,这些必需氨基酸都是人体不能自行合成的,需要从饮食中摄取。

4. **改善菜质**:
– 烹调中加入料酒,能够使菜肴质地更加松嫩。

5. **增加营养**:
– 料酒中含有很多维生素和微量元素,能够增加菜肴的营养价值。

### 使用技巧

1. **去腥**:
– 在烹调鱼、虾、蟹等海鲜时,加入料酒可以去除腥味。
– 在烹调牛、羊、猪、鸡、鸭等肉类时,加入料酒可以去除膻腥气。

2. **增香**:
– 料酒中的氨基酸能与糖类结合形成芳香醛,产生诱人的香味。
– 料酒中的脂类物质也有香味,使菜肴除去异味,香味大增。

3. **腌制**:
– 用料酒腌渍鸡、鱼等肉类,可以延长保鲜时间,有利于咸、甜各种味道充分渗入菜肴中。

### 总结



1. **抗过敏作用**:开瑞坦作为选择性外周H1受体拮抗剂,能够有效抑制组胺H1受体的活性。组胺是人体在过敏反应中释放的一种化学物质,会导致多种过敏症状,如打喷嚏、流鼻涕、鼻痒、鼻塞、眼部瘙痒、上颚瘙痒、烧灼感等。开瑞坦通过竞争性地抑制组胺H1受体,从而缓解这些症状。


2. **治疗过敏性鼻炎**:开瑞坦常用于治疗过敏性鼻炎,可以有效缓解鼻炎引起的各种症状,如反复打喷嚏、流鼻涕、鼻塞、鼻痒等。

3. **治疗慢性荨麻疹**:开瑞坦适用于慢性荨麻疹的治疗,可以缓解荨麻疹引起的瘙痒和红肿。

4. **治疗皮肤过敏性疾病**:开瑞坦也可用于治疗瘙痒性皮肤病,如湿疹、皮炎等,能够缓解皮肤瘙痒和红肿等症状。

5. **缓解眼部过敏症状**:开瑞坦适用于缓解过敏性结膜炎等眼部过敏症状,如眼部瘙痒、异物感等。

6. **药物剂型多样**:开瑞坦有片剂和糖浆剂两种剂型,片剂适用于成人及12岁以上儿童,糖浆剂适用于儿童及不宜口服的成人患者。

7. **副作用**:开瑞坦的常见不良反应包括乏力、头痛、嗜睡、口干、恶心等。少见不良反应有流泪、潮红、多汗等。与第一代H1受体拮抗剂相比,开瑞坦没有明显的镇静作用,但仍有少数患者可能出现嗜睡现象。

8. **注意事项**:孕妇、哺乳期妇女、肝功能不全患者使用开瑞坦时应谨慎,儿童必须在成人监护下使用。



1. **降血压**



2. **调节血脂**

3. **保护心血管**

4. **改善睡眠**



5. **清热解毒**


– **泡茶饮用**:将罗伞干品用开水冲泡,代茶饮用。
– **煲汤**:将罗伞与肉类、骨头等一起煲汤,具有很好的保健作用。
– **药膳**:将罗伞与其他中药材搭配,制作药膳,以食疗的方式达到养生保健的效果。




### 营养成分

1. **热量低**:每100克绿豆芽仅含约18卡路热量,适合需要控制热量摄入的人群。
2. **水分与纤维含量高**:高水分和纤维含量有助于促进消化和保持肠道健康。
3. **维生素**:绿豆芽中含有丰富的维生素C,比绿豆本身含量高很多,有助于增强免疫力,预防坏血病。
4. **核黄素**:含有核黄素,对于口腔溃疡患者有益。


5. **矿物质**:含有钙、镁、钾、磷等矿物质,有助于维持身体电解质平衡。
6. **膳食纤维**:丰富的膳食纤维有助于预防便秘和消化道疾病,还能降低胆固醇和预防心血管疾病。

### 益处

1. **清热解毒**:中医认为绿豆芽具有清热解毒的功效,适合夏季食用以清热解暑。
2. **促进消化**:高纤维含量有助于促进肠道蠕动,帮助消化。
3. **降血脂**:绿豆芽有助于清除血管壁中的胆固醇和脂肪,预防心血管疾病。
4. **预防便秘**:膳食纤维有助于预防便秘,保持肠道健康。
5. **利尿**:绿豆芽具有一定的利尿作用,有助于排出体内多余水分。
6. **抗氧化**:绿豆芽中的维生素C和抗氧化物质有助于抵抗自由基,预防衰老。
7. **美容养颜**:富含维生素C和矿物质,有助于改善肌肤状态。
8. **适合人群**:适合老人、妇女、儿童以及患有高血压、高血脂、高血糖等“三高”人士食用。













1. **养血补脑**:红枣富含铁质,有助于补血,同时山药和红枣也有补脑的作用,对提高记忆力和精神状态有益。

2. **益肾强身**:山药和小米都具有益肾的作用,有助于增强肾脏功能,提高身体的整体抗病能力。

3. **抗衰老**:红枣和小米中的某些成分能降低有机体衰老的酶活性,减缓衰老过程,有助于保持年轻状态。

4. **增强免疫力**:红枣山药小米粥能刺激和调节人体免疫系统,增强抵抗力,预防疾病。

5. **健脾养胃**:小米具有健脾养胃的功效,对于脾胃虚弱、消化不良的人群尤其有益。红枣也有助于改善脾胃功能。

6. **保护胃肠道**:粥中的天然胶质可以保护胃肠道的粘膜,有助于修复受损的粘膜,对防治慢性胃炎有帮助。


7. **促进细胞代谢**:小米红枣山药粥能促进细胞代谢,加速血液循环,增强体质。

8. **改善睡眠**:红枣具有安神作用,有助于改善失眠问题。

9. **养颜美容**:红枣和小米中的某些成分能改善皮肤状况,减轻色斑、皱纹和色素沉着。

10. **适合多种人群**:这款粥品适合各个年龄段的人群食用,尤其适合消化不良、脾胃虚弱、需要调养身体的人群。

11. **防治疾病**:红枣山药小米粥有助于防治骨质疏松、贫血等疾病。


The benefits are obvious.

The scale of the fisherman base is getting bigger and bigger.
Shah rukh has become more and more important among the pioneers.
To become the largest and most powerful fisherman force, most of the support and materials sent by the storm tribes through cracks in the future will be received by Shahrukh, so that the strong Hengqiang will become the leader of the pioneers if he wants to strengthen Shahrukh.
Storm tribe pays a huge price.
Instead of achieving their goal, they will nourish Jiangcheng Sheng Hangyu and his gang. By the time they realize that something is wrong, I’m afraid it’s too late.
Shahrukh’s harvest is not just a soldier.
The material harvest is also very gratifying.
Skynet seized more than 10,000 copies of materials and materials in Basha’s lair.
According to the agreement, half of Skynet will be sent to the Fisherman’s Production Base after it breaks the pioneer’s power according to Sharu’s intelligence. These resources and skills can promote the rapid growth of Fisherman’s Base and the rapid production development of Qinglong black dragon, which is of course a good thing for Hangyu.
"We also successfully got the Basha sea boat."
"A total of fifteen ships, please see."
Shahrukh took several people to the riverside pier, and through the fog, they could clearly tell that more than a dozen large sailboats appeared on the river, which looked very old at first glance and had strange shapes.
Each ship can take about a thousand people!
Every ship can take care of weapons array.
This is the storm tribe making transport ships in the spirit world ocean.
It is not only a means of transportation, but also a mobile fortress of the sea people. There is absolutely no way for human beings to build it at present, and even the ocean of the spiritual world can sail. Isn’t it easy for ships to sail in the land waters of this world?
Su Yunbing said, "We have already had two ships since we came, and now we have to search these fifteen ships, which makes a total of seventeen ships, which has already formed a strong transport capacity."
"Can these ships be leased to Jiangcheng government?" Xu Tianhua wooden pipe is a bright light. "Jiangcheng government is having a headache because some people have not yet moved to Jiangcheng. At present, it is too dangerous to land or sail. A ship like you can sail on the water and dive, and there are many safety mechanisms to transport people."
Hang Yu nodded and said, "Don’t worry, Yunshui Town won’t be able to lease so many ships to the government for the time being, and it will be a full benefit of resources."
With these boats,
Traffic can be greatly relieved.
Maybe Lishui Road will connect most southern cities in the future.
In this era of closed autonomy, it is absolutely profitable to engage in trade. For example, the price of cold iron ore is very low in Jiangcheng, but it is very expensive in Hongcheng and Jiujiang generations, while mithril is very expensive in the former but rich in the latter.
Hangyu can ship tens of millions of cold iron and send it to Hongcheng, Jiujiang and other places.
When we return, we will pull tens of millions of secret silver back to Jiangcheng.
Gal this time is absolutely profiteering.
There are few people in the front boat, so we can’t do it
At present, Sharu’s territory is expanding rapidly, and there will be more and more boats in hand. In the future, it is necessary to firmly control the waters. There is a huge market for cross-city trade or refitting for passenger transport.
After solving the trouble here in Yunshui Town,
Hang Yu returned to Qinglong community.
Prepare for the expansion of the spiritual world
He has received some towns, such as Fengheisha Town, Shilu Town and Tieshan Town, which should strike these days. Although the strength of the deserted town is not afraid of their attacks now, Hangyu needs to do more than just defend himself. He wants to take the opportunity to expand the power of human beings in the spiritual world with these three towns.
And to do so,
Kalimlo, the great Lord of Shaquan City, will definitely feel it.
The real danger lies in the competition between Shaquan City and four small territories. Can it withstand the pressure brought by Shaquan City? If it is four small territories, of course, there is no suspense to be crushed.
But Hang Yu has the confidence to fight.
After all, he has more than just a few sites in the spiritual world
Humans have the real world, the rear camp, which is impossible for a spiritual race to have an advantage at present.
Decisive key
Not in the spirit world.
Is the Terran energy.
It lies in the worldly resources!
Chapter 376 Fully prepared
Laozhai laboratory
Xiaobai came out with a little surprise. "Success!"
Hang Yu’s eyes rested on this object, which looked like a small white flamethrower magnified five or six times.

At this moment, I finally know why he is so depressed. It turns out that he is the most important to read the inscription of the bronze tripod.

"Jizhou bronze tripod is the practice of driving all animals." My heart is slightly peaceful. Four female tripods remember the four kinds of spells of soaring, calling for rain and moving mountains to fill the sea to drive all animals. Unfortunately, they are all incomplete.
"I’m older than you. Can you guess what’s missing?" These spells are so mysterious that no one would be indifferent.
"The key places have been destroyed, so it’s hard to guess what was previously remembered in the destroyed places." I shook my head and said that the missing position of the inscription and the lost key spell are key words, while the incomplete practice of luck is a specific acupoint. Take one of the words "anti-three strikes * *", which * * must be an acupoint name, but there are acupuncture points in the whole body. Who knows which acupuncture point this * * refers to? In case it should rush to Baihui but rush to Yongquan, it will be directly disabled and paralyzed. Who dares to take that risk?
"Who did it? Who did it?" The king kong cannon flew into a rage.
"It should be the one who helped the Qin Emperor cast spells." My heart is 70% sure that the mysterious man has done so many evil things and nothing has been punished by God. This means that the man probably mastered Dayu’s spell, but he was afraid that others would study it again after learning it, and people would destroy it.
"Has he learned all four spells?" Kong Bao asked angrily, he must hope that the other party didn’t learn at the moment, otherwise he would be even more angry. Seeing bad luck is what Kong Bao is most willing to do.
"Driving all animals must have learned it, otherwise, the monkeys, such as Candle Nine Shadows and Red Dragonfly, would not have come here to move mountains and fill the sea, but they might have learned it, otherwise there could not be so many strange terrain in the card, and I wouldn’t know if I didn’t learn two kinds of spells." I said that in fact, that person should have learned the last two spells, otherwise he wouldn’t have harmed so many people and hindered me, but I didn’t dare to tell the truth, otherwise King Kong cannon would cry.
"Forget it, I copied the residual handwriting to see if there is any way to push the performance of Shiyier." Mu Zhuifeng squatted down from his backpack and took out a white tunic. Unfortunately, he didn’t find a writing tool. Mei Zhu said that he quickly handed over an eyebrow pencil. Mu Zhuifeng took a look at her and got up to copy those incomplete words.
Everyone is very depressed at the moment. It is better not to let us see the bronze tripod. We are full of hope and have a good luck. I never thought it would be a bubble in the end.
"I don’t care who he is, it’s the hand of many dissenting Confucian. When I meet many dissenting Confucian, I’ll whip the corpse." King Kong Gun pulled out a cigarette and habitually prepared to hand it to me, but I didn’t find it. Only then did I remember that I had lost my body and threw it away in disgust.
"I don’t care if you want to rape him." My mood is also extremely low. As the saying goes, knowledge is power. If we master the soaring method, we can pack our bags and go home now, so there is no need to make any fate artifacts.
"Don’t be too sad about Elder Niu and Ye Zhenren. Have you ever thought that if there were magic spells, many dissenting Confucian would not have died?" Lin Yicheng spoke out to comfort us when he saw that we were depressed.
"These spells have spells and the method of moving qi. There is no title. How can Qin Huang know these things?" I shook my head with a wry smile. "Besides, these bronze dings are so tall. Do you think Qin Huang will climb into them along the ladder? He is an emperor."
Lin Yicheng stopped talking and took Mei Zhu to visit the male ding who remembered the statutes and the way of governing the country.
Bronze tripod handwriting is very exquisite and exquisite things are generally not wordy, so it didn’t take long for Mu Zhuifeng to copy it. Looking at the question mark in the white coat, I was in distress situation.
However, although I feel gloomy, I am not completely discouraged. We have walked a short distance in the burial area, and there are likely to be other gains.
"Let’s go to the front and have a look …"
Chapter 524 Copper plate head
The passage of the burial area behind the nine huge bronze tripod was twice as wide as that of the two miles. This did not disappoint everyone, but even ignited curiosity. If there is a pile of gold, silver and jewelry piled up in disorder, it will disgrace the emperor’s name.
Ordinary tombs are only two feet high and less than six feet wide, while the tombs of the Qin Dynasty are as high as nine feet wide, which is two miles so huge that people can walk. There is no sense of oppression. There is an old saying that "even the wisest man is foolish, but the cleverest is clumsy". The word "big" is better than many fancy bars, regardless of where it is located. Big feet are better or worse than small ones. This is the simplest truth.
When I was thinking, a tall humanoid statue appeared in front of everyone. The stone statue was as high as 50 feet. The stone statue was dressed in an emperor’s formal suit, wearing twelve crowns, feet, nose, wide boots and a sword. It stood backhand and behaved solemnly. However, I don’t know if this statue is the emperor’s statue
Although the statue of the Emperor of Qin is a stone statue, people are not surprised by it, because the material of this stone statue is more expensive and scarce than gold. This is because the stone material of this stone statue is colored. According to the texture and color of the stone body, a black and red imperial robe, a golden nose boot and a bluish yellow sword body are carved, which also shows that adding a stone body symbolizes eternity. The whole stone statue gives people a sense of ingenuity without losing its dignity and carving marks.
Up to now, everything that has appeared in the burial area of the imperial tomb is very consistent with the ancient etiquette. Twelve pairs of golden statues guarding the tomb are majestic and powerful, and the nine bronze giant tripod symbolizes the emperor. The appearance of this colorful stone statue of the emperor shows that the identity of the tomb owner is orderly and biased.
Looking up at the huge stone statue, I found that twelve beads of beads before and after the corona blocked the face of the stone statue, which made everyone get a glimpse of it.
"The old cow went to lift the hijab." I rushed aside and poked around and said that since I am here, I have to see what this unified six countries are like.
"An old man has a fart to cover his face." The King Kong cannon muttered and swept away what he was worth and liked. He was not interested in this kind of thing that he couldn’t take away.
The King Kong cannon was used to snatch people away with an axe. The axe was cold before the wind came. The axe wind swept away the stone statue’s forehead at a distance of three meters. Because the strength was not well mastered, even the stone statue of Qin Huang swept out an imprint on its forehead.
"Whip this first, and then whip the corpse when you go in." The King Kong cannon fell down.
I was angry and funny and stared at him. In fact, he wanted to show off, but he was not sure of his strength. What was shattered glass present? Which one of them was blind?
Beads fell to the ground and sent out a series of crisp sounds. I was curious and turned around to pick up stone beads, but I turned my attention to the face of the stone statue
People’s faces can often reflect a person’s character, broad-minded, fat and kind-hearted. People usually have a round face, a square mouth and a wide nose, while treacherous and immoral people usually have a sharp mouth, a monkey’s face, a slanting eyebrow and a small ear. There is a certain truth in the saying.
Qin Huang is a Chinese character with thick black eyebrows, which shows that this person is resolute.
Big eyes and wide eyes outside the eyelids show that they are smart and kind, while men with big eyes with double eyelids usually have low intelligence. It is rare that the eyes of the emperor are not only big but also have a keen insight.
Qin Huang’s nose is not tall, straight or thin. There is little difference between ordinary people’s noses. The nose is more generous. The nose is the most important among the five senses, especially the man’s nose. It can be observed that the depth of this man’s fortune and the length of his heirs are simple and general. Qin Huang’s nose does not match his great achievements
It can be seen from the mouth that a person is kind and fierce, and the left corner of the mouth of Qin Huang is slightly deviated from the right corner of his mouth, which is a manifestation of frequent emotions.
The strangest thing is that Qin Huang’s ears are wide, his earlobes are narrow, his blessings are deep and benevolent, just the opposite.
The beauty and ugliness of a person does not depend on the specific shape of the facial features, and it is reflected by the collocation of the facial features. Some people’s facial features are extremely beautiful, but once they are matched together, they lose their beauty. Some people’s facial features are very ordinary, but when they are well matched, they give people a kind of comfort and softness. There is no big difference between ordinary people and Qin Huang’s facial features, but when they are matched together, they give people a kind of coercion. This coercion made me feel disgusted at the first time, and I quietly emerged a rebellious heart.
This kind of resistance comes from the strength I have. If I don’t have the Daoism, I probably won’t dare to give birth to this kind of resistance. Because the face of Qin Huang gives people the feeling that he is angry and often kills at will, and his personality is somewhat similar, but it is obvious that he is more vicious than me, and a woman will never appear in him.
"It’s just that. It’s not a big deal." King Kong cannons shook their heads and interrupted my thoughts.
"Well, let’s go." I didn’t stay in front of the stone statue and moved forward.
"Have you seen it for a long time?" King kong cannon shouted at the crowd
Lin Yicheng ha ha a smile without a mouth Ye Aofeng naturally won’t take a reason. He longed for chasing the wind and was looking down at the King Kong cannon to pick up the stone beads without a mouth.
"I don’t know what they saw, but I saw something very important," I said.
"What?" King Kong cannons are coming together.
"Usually, the portrait or statue of the emperor will make the craftsman carve himself very majestic and prestige to cover up all the shortcomings, but the emperor of Qin didn’t do that. This statue should be him, which means that this person really doesn’t care about outsiders’ praise or criticism. To put it bluntly, he is a man with a backbone." I don’t stop.
They didn’t go far this time and found a huge memorial bronze tribute table with a large number of Blackstone memorial tribute tables. There were three copper plates at the front desk of the tribute table. There was one thing in each copper plate. Although things in the copper plates did not rot after more than 2,000 years, it was faintly visible that there were three heads.
When they saw the tribute table, they couldn’t help speeding up the pace of travel. When they got closer, they found that this tribute table was served by Blackstone, a monarch of the Qin Dynasty. Before the Qin Dynasty, there were thirty-six monarchs, so there were thirty-six faces in Blackstone’s coffin.
After my eyes swept from the spiritual position, I moved to the stage. I didn’t expect that the head was better than what I saw in the distance. Not only was it not withered and decayed, but the face was very clear and lifelike.
"I can’t do this. I have to move it back to Ziyang view." King Kong Gun looked up at the three heads and kept it so complete. Just say that the glowing white jade in the channel really has the effect of keeping the body from rotting. The subconscious idea of King Kong Gun is that good things will be moved away.
I didn’t answer, but looked down at the three heads. The heads were two men and one woman, one of whom was a long-faced old man and the other was a handsome young woman. The head was a beautiful woman in her forties.
This discovery makes me frown. Who are these three heads and what are they doing here …
Chapter 525 Killing father and mother
I looked down at the stage and found that there was nothing but the heads in these three copper plates and there was no photo record, so it was difficult for me to guess the origin of these three heads at the moment
"Who do you think these three people are?" I turned to Lin Yicheng behind me for help. These people were present, including me and Lin Yicheng, who had the heart to scrutinize these seemingly urgent issues.
"Yu Kechang, have you noticed their hairstyles?" Lin Yicheng inclined to move half a step to my side.
Lin Yicheng didn’t answer my question directly, but he woke me up with a speech, which means that he has his own opinions and opinions on these three heads.
"Oh, what did you find?" I don’t have any research on the hairstyles of Qin people. It’s better to ask questions directly if I guess at random.

It’s a pity that they are identical …

Qin Changfeng, Shi Hao, and Liu Shen at the same time made moves to make immortal flowers shine to the extreme, and the grand sound of the eternal Tao cleansed the long river of eternal vibration. Many times, the strong saw this light and heard the sound, which was inexplicable. This is pale anger and the three figures of the world. This is the messenger of heaven punishment
More at this time, when the end of Tianyu was torn again, a crystal clear nine-story pagoda came out of the world.
This is a barren tower, but it also has the flavor of quasi-emperor. The name of the ancient age is not obvious, and the name of the ancient age is eternal.
As a result, there was no suspense from the beginning, and there was no suspense at this time!
Rao is a desperate old man who can’t be suppressed by the three strong men, and it is impossible to reverse his method. All the flesh was smashed and the Yuan God tried to escape, but he was also trapped in the eternal cage of Liu Shen’s 3,000 illusory world and was completely wiped out.
Qin Changfeng slightly regretted that the old man didn’t die by his hand, so the law was summoned again through the burial mausoleum tower, but it was obviously painful and greedy. You should be satisfied if you can have the present ending!
It’s over. It’s really over.
I don’t know how long this war lasted, but at this moment, half a drop of seawater has collapsed in the boundary sea, and half of it is the dam and the other half of the fairy land has collapsed
This scene deeply shocked all the people. Some people witnessed it with their own eyes, and others saw the final situation here through the circle of law.
"Desperate Emperor!"
"ancestor sacrifice spirit!"
"Peacock Master!"
In a short time, people were buzzing and all the creatures shouted that these three names sounded from all corners and then gathered into a big wave, which swept the world like a tsunami for a long time …
They know that a great crisis has lifted the darkness, the source of turmoil, and that the four quasi-emperors and masters will bring peace and tranquility to the world.
But it didn’t end there!
Although the four quasi-emperors died on the other side of the sea, there are still countless dark creatures, including true immortals and immortal immortals.
In addition, the real source of darkness, the immortal emperor, has not been cut off, and the dark disaster cannot be over.
Next, Godsworn Xianyu counterattacked and led Shi Hao into the other side of the boundary sea to kill all the dark strong and settle their sins.
This sweeping Qin Changfeng and Liu Shen didn’t take part in their return to the Peacock Holy Mountain in heaven and talk about it.
"I said goodbye that day, and I believe that you have become famous in the vast universe, and the whole Cang Du is in your name. Now it seems that you have done it."
At the bottom of the sky, the sky is bright, and the peacock mountain is dazzling. Xianxia washes the lead, and Wan Li is rolling. Yunxia flies directly to Tianyu, and the waves are clearly visible hundreds of millions of miles away.
For Liu Shen, Qin Changfeng just laughed and didn’t answer. After all, he was reserved in front of Liu Shen and had to turn to smile. "Did the predecessors experience darkness?"
Liu Shen whispered, "I once led dark forces into the body, lost myself and forgot everything, but I left illusory thoughts in the three thousand worlds, and finally they turned from emptiness to reality, reminding me of the past and returning to my true self."
Qin Changfeng’s eyes flashed, "So there is a way out of emptiness. Can you really get through?"
Liu Shen slightly pondered that the figure was still shrouded in hazy fog and it was difficult to see it for a moment. After that, he said, "I don’t know if I walked through my footprints. You can see and hear but you can’t walk any more because … you are different from me."
Chapter seven hundred and fifty-seven Body dragon land
Hearing this answer, the so-called disappointment and curiosity of Qin Changfeng’s face means laughing, "I understand that there is one more thing that I want from my predecessors."
"You and I must be polite. If I have to refuse," Liu Shen is very easy-going. Although she was eroded by dark forces, she finally returned to her true self instead of being as rude as Yu Di and others. The immortal emperor can cut everything off
Qin Changfeng’s eyes were sharp and a thought in his heart was excited and growled, but he restrained himself and said the business directly. "I need a powerful blood to turn dragons into dragons. Before the reference, I always preferred real dragons, but after seeing Liu Shen …"
"You want my bloodline?" Liu Shen’s mind saw through Qin Changfeng’s mind in the blink of an eye.
Qin Changfeng also nothing embarrassed him and Liu Shen who and who?
That’s a life-long friendship lever!
Hum ~ ~ ~
Without saying much, Liu Shen directly stretched out a finger and touched it between Qin Changfeng’s eyebrows, and then she crossed a drop of golden holy blood. At the same time, her most essential memory of practicing magical powers flooded into Qin Changfeng’s mind.
Qin Changfeng immediately froze and stood on the spot in the vast sea of Taoism.
I don’t know how long it took when his eyes closed, and a happy color flashed like a mountain … He chose it as expected!
The branches of an ancient willow tree in Liu Shen must seem to be feminine and dancing with the wind, but they can be stretched straight when necessary. The fairy sword chain is instantaneous and strong and invincible
Therefore, in the flesh, Liu Shen is not weaker than ten fierce people, but her Tao is too strong and her light is too strong for people to ignore her physical strength.
Qin Changfeng abandoned the real dragon and chose Liu Shen. Besides the pure blood of the real dragon is hard to find, Liu Shen is more suitable to become a template for his physical transformation of the dragon.
Qin Changfeng’s physical strengthening has always been a combination of two ways.
One is to try out the blood pool quenching body of the tower. He has gone through it several times and has the last two.
The first layer this time, like the fiend devouring evolution, he hasn’t decided what kind of blood to carry out.
Although the upcoming Tianwang War will make him full of pressure, he doesn’t want to disrupt his pace of progress. After all, it is too precious to strengthen the opportunity alone. If the final potential is affected by the promotion of some combat power at present, it will be too much for the loss.
The combat power needed by the Buddha’s war, he can obtain physical reinforcement from other aspects, and another road of cultivation is one of them.
This road is similar to the method of covering the sky created by Shi Hao, but it completely focuses on the physical body and abandons the cultivation of Taoism

Wang Jianxia’s martial arts is really immortal, and at the same time, he takes away 3,000 ghosts and gods. The fighters are already at the limit, and the speed will slow down if there is more.

Zhao Wu turned around and shouted to everyone, "Let’s go, too. Don’t let Wu Zu and adults underestimate us."
Hundreds of heaven practitioners drink a follow Zhao Wu rushed to Taoshan.
The fight between Wang Yue and Yang Jian has reached a white-hot level.
Yang Jian is really a fighting genius. In the battle, he not only mastered Yuan Tianzun’s fighting experience, but also learned a lot of Wang Yue’s fighting skills. The reason why Yang Jian can learn so fast is that he has a vision that sees through everything.
If it weren’t for the magical eye, Yang Jian might have been seriously injured by Wang Yue.
"Can’t go like this?" Wang Yue said in his heart, "Yang Jian is simply a crazy killer and his killing skills and strength are still rising."
Yang Jian’s speed and strength are about to catch up with Wang Yue. If the fighting skills are at the same level as Wang Yue again, then Wang Yue’s advantage will swing, and maybe Yang Jian will take the lead.
Yang Erlang mountain axe
Sure enough, they are worthy of the name, even worse than what they say.
Suddenly, Wang Yue’s eyes lit up and found that Yang Jian had a flaw "Good opportunity!"
Wang Yue’s sword was blocked by the mountain axe, and the palm of his left hand still hit Yang Jian in the chest.
The whole earthquake Yang Jian protective mana was scattered body backward flying more than thirty thousand meters.
Yang Jian vomitted an one mouthful blood and looked at Wang Yue with latosolic red eyes.
"Wang Yue displays peerless swordsmanship, and I forgot that he is a Terran Wudaozu. Boxing and palm technique are Wang Yue’s specialties."
In the battle, Wang Yue’s swordsmanship made Yang Jian have the illusion that Wang Yue was a swordsman. An inadvertent flaw appeared and was seriously injured by Wang Yue’s slap.
Two evenly matched immortals may fight for several years, or they may win or lose in an instant.
If one party has a flaw, it will be seriously injured, just like Yang Jian now.
Tens of thousands of meters away, Wang Yue disappeared in a flash.
Yang Jian one leng haven’t return to absolute being, a huge firm but gentle fell from the sky.
Yang Jian was shocked. "In the face!"
The only thing Yang Jian can do is to block the mountain axe, which is extremely sharp and firm.
The firm but gentle impact on the mountain axe Yang Jian hit the ground like an out-of-control meteor, and the ground was displaced by the impact.
"Yang Jian will pick me up again!"
Wang Yue won’t give Yang Jian the slightest chance to breathe. After the shock wave, it’s the peerless palm of the family boxing.
"Turn over the sky?"
When I heard Wang Yue shout out the name of palm method, all the strong players were stunned and looked at Wang Yue in shock.
"Turn over the sky and seal the sky, hehe, this palm method is really a bit of a turn over the sky and seal the sky."
"This palm is very interesting."
"Wudaozu lives up to its name"
"Hum, it’s really great to explain how famous it is to turn over the sky. Wang Yue’s palm method is also called turning over the sky."
Huge qi and blood energy condensed into a giant palm will just fly to Yang Jian and press it again. This time, the attack is more fierce and malicious than before, even if Yang Jian’s physical strength is too much for him.
The Jade Emperor looked at Yuan Tianzun with a smile. "Brother Yuan seems that the battle should be over soon. Yang Jian didn’t bomb Taoshan. Maybe even if he had a mountain axe in his hand, it’s a pity that the Excalibur in Wang Yue’s hand was refined by Brother Tong Tian."
At this time, the Jade Emperor did not forget to provoke Yuan Tianzun and Tongtian leader.
Yuan Tianzun said with a snort of cold, "Heaven of Science, don’t be happy too early. I’m sure Yang Jian won’t lose. If he loses, it won’t be Yang Jian."
Say that finish yuan Buddha also stared at tongtian hierarch, blaming him for giving Wang Yue Excalibur.
Tongtian leader also sneered that the sword was given to Wang Yue by the Virgin of Dolly, and he didn’t know it until he saw that Yuan Tianzun was beaten. Tongtian leader was still very happy.
"Terran fighters are coming."
Looking back, several saints saw Wang Jianxia coming to watch the battle with three thousand Terran fighters.
Other people who pick Jin Xian’s eyes are also surprised. The number of three thousand ghost fighters is small, and many small fairy-cultivating sects in Du Jie are not three thousand. But at the same time, three thousand ghost fighters appear, and the momentum is still very shocking
Yuan Tianzun’s face is very ugly. "There are so many Terran fighters. In the future, there will be 10% martial arts practitioners, and the Terran must be suppressed!"
Terran gods and demons practitioners have greater potential than those who cultivate immortals in Du Jie. Now the Terran has not yet formed a climate, but if there are several martial arts true immortals in the future and more than a dozen martial arts pick Jin Xian in Jin Xian, it will be very difficult to suppress the Terran again.
The ancient Terran san huang Yuan Tianzun put them into the fire cloud cave, but it took a lot of effort and thought
Zhao Wu came here with hundreds of heaven practitioners.
At this time, all the strong people’s faces changed.
Hundreds of Terran fighters are hanging in the air, which is much more powerful than those so-called heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals.
Hundreds of fighters, hundreds of soldiers!
This is the terran heritage, this is the terran’s foothold in the wild world.