
1. **提高睡眠质量**:红提子中含有一种名为褪黑素的睡眠辅助激素,有助于调节睡眠周期,改善睡眠质量。


2. **预防心脑血管疾病**:红提子皮和籽中含有的白藜芦醇具有抗氧化作用,对预防皮肤癌、心脑血管疾病有积极作用。

3. **保护心脏**:红提子及其产品含有抗病毒活性的成分,研究表明,其抗病毒能力比葡萄酒更强。

4. **抗贫血**:红提子中含有维生素B12,对治疗恶性贫血有益。

5. **降低胃酸利胆**:红提子中含有维生素P,有助于降低胃酸毒性,并具有利胆作用。

6. **防癌抗癌**:红提子中的白藜芦醇可以防止正常细胞癌变,并抑制已恶变细胞的扩散。

7. **抗动脉粥样硬化**:红提子葡萄酒能增加血浆中的高密度脂蛋白,减少低密度脂蛋白含量。

8. **止咳**:红提子具有润喉、止咳的作用,尤其适合咽喉不适的人群。

9. **补血益气**:红提子有助于改善肤色,对于肤色暗淡、手脚冰冷的人群有益。

10. **强筋壮骨**:红提子含有丰富的维生素和微量元素,有助于钙质吸收,促进骨质代谢。

11. **养颜护肤**:红提子含有大量胡萝卜素,有助于维持皮肤细胞正常机能,保持皮肤润泽细嫩。

12. **预防低血糖**:红提子含有丰富的葡萄糖,有助于缓解因葡萄糖缺乏引起的头晕、乏力症状。

13. **通利小便**:红提子中的苹果酸、柠檬酸和氨基酸等物质有助于清除体内毒素,并排出体外。



1. **提高免疫力**:合生元益生菌中的活性菌株可以帮助定植在呼吸道和消化道粘膜上,形成生物保护膜,防止病菌入侵,并激活人体免疫系统,刺激产生免疫球蛋白A,增强吞噬细胞的活性。长期服用后,儿童和婴幼儿的感冒、发烧、咳嗽、腹泻等发病次数通常会减少。

2. **改善胃肠道功能**:益生菌可以促进肠道对营养的吸收,刺激肠蠕动,有助于解决腹泻、便秘等问题。通常在服用半个月后,儿童的胃口会变好,排便也会恢复正常。

3. **降低药物副作用**:由于抗生素等药物在杀死病菌的同时也会破坏体内益生菌,影响体质,合生元益生菌可以帮助恢复肠道菌群平衡,降低药物的副作用。建议在使用抗生素后服用益生菌15-30天,剂量加倍,以恢复肠道菌群平衡。

4. **缓解乳糖不耐受**:合生元益生菌还可以帮助缓解乳糖不耐受症状,促进消化吸收。

5. **安全性和长期食用**:合生元益生菌属于保健性质的产品,长期食用通常不会产生副作用,适合长期服用。


6. **适合年龄范围**:合生元益生菌适合从新生儿到成人的不同年龄段人群,具体用量根据年龄和产品说明进行调整。


– 宝宝出现腹泻、消化不良、便秘等问题时;
– 使用抗生素后需要恢复肠道菌群平衡时;
– 儿童和婴幼儿免疫力低下,容易生病时。



1. **美化家居**:万年青以其宽大翠绿的叶片和红润可爱的浆果,具有很高的观赏价值。它适宜点缀客厅、书房等室内空间,能够提升家居的审美氛围。

2. **净化环境**:万年青具有独特的空气净化能力,能够吸收空气中的尼古丁和甲醛等有害物质,有效改善室内空气质量,对提高居住环境的舒适度有很大帮助。

3. **良好寓意**:万年青的花语代表着健康、长寿和吉祥,摆放一盆万年青在家中,寓意家人健康长寿,生活吉祥如意。

4. **家庭风水**:万年青属于五行属水的植物,对于五行属水的人而言,将其作为家居摆设是很好的选择。它能帮助改善家庭风水,助主人达到各种愿望。

5. **药用价值**:在中医中,万年青的根茎和全草均可入药。其主要功效包括清热解毒、强心利尿、凉血止血等。万年青对咽喉肿痛、白喉、疮疡肿毒、蛇虫咬伤等病症有良好的治疗效果。


6. **治疗疾病**:万年青还可以用于治疗心力衰竭、水肿臌胀、咯血、吐血、崩漏等症状。


7. **外用治疗**:万年青还可以外用,对于跌打损伤、烧伤烫伤等症状,捣碎敷在受伤部位可以起到止痛和消肿的作用。



1. **保湿与滋润**:马油膏富含油脂和维生素E,能够深入肌肤,为肌肤提供持久的保湿效果,使肌肤保持水润和柔滑。

2. **消炎舒缓**:马油中的亚油酸具有消炎作用,可以用于治疗特应性皮炎等皮肤问题。同时,马油膏在挤出青春痘后的伤口涂抹,有助于治疗伤口并减少疤痕。

3. **抗氧化**:马油含有不饱和脂肪酸以及VE、VC等抗氧化成分,能够在一定程度上中和自由基,减缓皮肤老化,预防皱纹、松弛和色斑等问题。

4. **美白**:马油的促渗透能力有助于美白成分(如曲酸)的渗透和活性,从而对美白皮肤有一定的促进作用。

5. **修复肌肤**:马油膏能修复皮肤损伤,如皮肤划破、蚊虫叮咬等,并有助于伤口愈合。



6. **滋养毛发**:马油膏不仅可以滋养头皮,还能改善头发干枯、分叉等问题,促进头发生长。

7. **抗皱紧致**:通过滋养肌肤,马油膏有助于减少皱纹,使皮肤紧致。

8. **舒缓镇静**:马油膏中的天然抗炎成分有助于舒缓皮肤炎症,对过敏、黑斑、雀斑、疤痕等皮肤问题有一定的改善作用。

9. **促进伤口愈合**:马油膏可以加速伤口愈合,减轻疼痛。



### 地雷的用途:

1. **封锁与迟滞**:地雷的主要用途之一是封锁和迟滞敌军的行动。通过在关键道路上或重要区域布设地雷,可以有效地减缓敌军的推进速度,为防御方争取宝贵的时间。

2. **杀伤敌方人员与装备**:地雷能够杀伤敌方的人员和装备。根据地雷的类型,它们可以针对步兵、装甲车辆甚至空中目标造成伤害。


3. **心理威慑**:地雷的存在对敌方具有强大的心理威慑作用。面对未知的危险,敌方可能会选择绕道而行,从而影响其战术部署。

4. **情报收集**:地雷的布设位置和类型可以提供有关敌方行动的情报,有助于防御方调整战略。

### 地雷的影响:

1. **军事影响**:地雷可以改变战场态势,影响军事行动的成败。特别是在战略要地、重要交通线等关键区域布设地雷,能够对敌方造成重大损失。

2. **经济影响**:地雷对交通、农业、基础设施等造成破坏,导致经济损失。例如,在战争结束后,地雷清理工作需要大量资金和时间。


3. **人道影响**:地雷对平民和救援人员构成严重威胁。被误伤或有意布设的地雷可能导致无辜人员伤亡,引发人道主义危机。


4. **技术影响**:地雷技术的发展推动了相关军事技术的进步。例如,智能地雷的出现使得地雷具有更高的目标识别和打击能力。

5. **国际法规影响**:地雷的使用受到国际法规的严格限制。例如,《禁止使用、储存、生产和转移地雷及其销毁公约》(通常称为《 Ottawa 公约》)禁止使用杀伤人员地雷。



1. **药用价值**:
– **抗菌消炎**:柠檬草精油具有抗菌消炎的作用,能有效驱除蚊虫,杀死细菌,特别是在夏季使用,可以保护家人免受蚊虫叮咬的困扰。
– **护肤美容**:柠檬草精油可以用来收缩毛孔,使肌肤光滑细腻,同时留下淡淡的柠檬香气,让人感到愉悦。
– **缓解肌肉酸痛**:在剧烈运动后,使用柠檬草精油泡澡可以缓解肌肉酸痛,改善精神面貌。

2. **烹饪用途**:


– **调味料**:柠檬草可以作为烹饪调味料,尤其在荷兰,人们喜欢将柠檬草用于鱼的烹饪,不仅改善口感,还能调理肠胃,帮助消化。

3. **健康保健**:
– **净化血液**:柠檬草具有净化血液的作用,有助于降低血压,减少恶心和头晕的影响。
– **口腔健康**:柠檬草的抗菌特性可以帮助缓解牙痛,止血牙龈,消除牙龈疾病或病症引起的恶臭,以及抵抗喉部感染。
– **抗衰老**:柠檬草中的抗氧化剂可以减少自由基的产生,减轻色斑,并有助于减轻老年斑。
– **心理健康**:柠檬草的香气可以改善情绪,缓解抑郁和压力。

4. **日常生活中的应用**:
– **去除异味**:柠檬汁可以用来去除冰箱中的异味,保持冰箱的清洁和卫生。
– **减肥**:柠檬草含有丰富的柠檬酸,可以破坏脂肪细胞组织,具有降低血压及抑制肥胖荷尔蒙的效果。


This made the scene a bit dangerous at one time.

But it’s not that Hang Yu boasted that he could ride a bike at the age of five!
Elementary school, junior high school and senior high school talk about the heat and cold, talk about the crazy wind and rain, and insist on cycling!
Ten years of tempering ten years of wind and rain.
Car skills have reached the realm of integration of people and cars!
He kept the speed while pedaling wildly, not giving the pheasant a chance to surround him, while waving a sharp long knife in his hand to harvest.
Pheasants wail
Chicken blood in one place
Hang Yu feels that he is now possessed by Zhao Long, one person, one knife, one bicycle, and dozens of pheasants have been killed three times in and three times out, and half of them are covered with chicken feathers.
However, even Hang Yu will remain in this state!
He felt a little tired in the high-intensity battle, which led to a slow speed, and at this time, a pheasant bigger than a goose flew out of this group of pheasants.
This pheasant is obviously different!
It is not only twice the size of ordinary pheasants, but also its feathers are colorful, giving people an extremely noble feeling.
This is the pheasant leader
To put it mildly, it’s called chicken king, and to put it mildly, it’s chicken head!
The pheasant king’s raid was threatening. Hang Yu didn’t come to hide. He was attacked by a pair of chicken feet like eagle claws. The incredible power made Hang Yu even throw his car and man to the ground.
Is this really a pheasant?
I’m afraid that’s all the strength of a large eagle carving!
Hangyu felt his claws thrust firmly into his chest, and the pheasant king threw Hangyu down and immediately pecked his sharp beak at his eyes.
Not the kui is a pheasant king this peck is accurate, malicious and fast!
Hang Yu’s eyes will be picked out by this beast if he reacts slowly!
Hang Yu escaped from the pheasant king’s beak and fell on his face like a knife, causing a foot-destroying wound.
Damn it, how dare you disfigure me? It’s always easy to mess with!
Pheasant is the lowest monster, and King Pheasant is not an elite monster, but a slightly worse ordinary monster like Goblin’s low-level warlock. Now Hangyu has reached level 2, and he really doesn’t take it seriously.
But even if you are not afraid of pheasant king.
Hang Yu can’t be careless. The pheasant king has a group of chickens and grandchildren. If they are surrounded by chickens because the pheasant king has been entangled for too long, it is too much for every chicken to come round.
The long knife stabbed the pheasant king in the abdomen.
The pheasant king suddenly moaned that he was about to take off when he flapped his wings, but his claws were still clinging to Hangyu, taking it to a height of half a meter and still rising.
Hang Yu has never been so cruel in his life, but he endured severe pain and pulled out his long knife and cut it on the pheasant king’s neck.
The jungle Dao is really white!
The pheasant king’s neck is not inferior to the reinforced concrete, but a chicken head flies several meters away from the sharp blade.
Hang Yu still dare not careless.
He saw a real case in the news that a chicken in the US Emperor had its head cut off by its owner and still lived for ten months. In case the pheasant king is not dead, it must be his own bad luck.
Therefore, he made up a knife in the pheasant king.
Even if the pheasant king is really strong in the news, it is impossible for him to survive such a serious injury and immediately fall to the ground and die completely.
Others came to prepare for the pheasant. When they saw that the boss was killed, they immediately flapped their wings and fled everywhere. Hangyu was relieved that he did not continue to besiege the injured.
Hang Yu’s face is covered with blood.
Some are pheasant blood, some are their own blood.
At this moment, a fat man rushed out at the gate of Kentucky Fried Chicken. He was at least 200 Jin, fat and simple in appearance. He was Hang Yu’s roommate Pang Dahai.
Pang Dahai’s fat body is seven points like an actor who plays a fat cat. He has many nicknames in school, such as boat-fruited Sterculia and fat cats.
Don’t look at this little honest guy. He’s a little slow.
He is not a small celebrity. It is recognized in the dormitory of the university that the man riding an infantry marshal sends the nickname "Mobile Seed Bank". He is the latest and most popular to find. Even the seniors in the next building will come here to sincerely seek seeds.
"Are you fucking stupid? Didn’t I tell you not to come over?" Pang Dahai saw that Hangyu was covered in blood, and even his face was torn off. He was at a loss and hurriedly shouted back, "What are you doing? Hit 12! "
Hang Yu stopped the fat man from taking out his mobile phone and pressing two or one red fruit to appear in the palm of his hand, and three or two of them ate the fruit.
This cargo has suffered so much, but it’s still so calm. Are you in the mood to chew fruit? His brain is broken!
"Hey, what the hell? Is it time to eat now?"
Pang Dahai stared at him in the middle, and suddenly he was surprised to find that Hangyu’s two facial wounds on his chest stopped bleeding after eating the fruit, and the wounds healed slowly with the naked eye.
Less than two minutes before and after.
The wound has scabbed and shed a faint shallow mark, and the naked eye can see that it has returned to normal skin color.
Pang Dahai was completely shocked. "Hey, you eat this fairy fruit!"
Hang Yu didn’t care. "Almost. Let’s not talk about it. I have to deal with so much good meat at a scene. Don’t wave."
Pang Dahai received and saw a magical picture.
Hang Yu reached the pheasant king’s body and covered it with a glimmer, making it shrivel up quickly in a few seconds and then break into powder like weathered clay sculpture.
Those lights gathered in Hangyu’s hands and turned into a large piece of fresh chicken breast and two fat chicken legs.

But his words made that Liu Yun more confused.

What is this situation? He doesn’t understand at all.
Chapter nine hundred and seventy-four Mountains and rivers meet.
This Liu Yun naturally doesn’t know why Yang Guang came here.
And Yang Guang has no intention of telling him the real reason to avoid thinking.
What’s more, Yang Guang changed his appearance a little.
The other party naturally doesn’t recognize that this one is the strong one in China and the woman beside him is the wife of the strongest one.
Then why is it so mysterious?
Actually it’s very simple.
Because the five-year-old Liu Yun was the reincarnation of Wu Day, it was not long before the remnant soul of Wu Day was officially reborn.
It is very good to be able to become a Li Jiahai in Yangcheng.
This can be said to be a good reincarnation technique.
Yang guang, why don’t you tell the truth? That will definitely give Yang Yun and his wife enough burden. One thousand, I always feel that my son has appeared. Wu Tian was fascinated.
One thousand will recognize wu day can awaken the memory?
It will eventually cause a lot of trouble.
In fact, when entering the reincarnation channel, Wu day is not Wu day, but a newborn, although the future development will be much better, but it is really from
Not here, the Li family "children" wake up and remember things.
Now the hell is very dedicated, and the so-called error rate is very low. It is also a very good thing that Wu Tian can return to China in the reincarnation, especially the owner of the hell, feng du Dijun.
Otherwise, it would be very difficult for him to return to the middle domain for reincarnation in the south domain, and now his words are much better, because there is also the so-called reincarnation in the middle domain.
But once you want to do something, you have to finish it.
Naturally, Yang Guang, since he made an "explanation", he had to lie to the end.
"Although that ring seems to be a gift we prepared, the real gift is that someone asked me to give it to us. We don’t have a dime, but it is said that your son’s penis is very strong and can also be called’ investment’."
"investment? Will his future development really be so good? " Liu Yun was very interested when he heard Yang Guang incarnate say this sentence.
What’s more, he also knows some normal things, so it’s hard to have a sense of expectation.
"Then wipe your eyes," Yang guang said and left.
He just needs to know that his "former master" has a good life now. Yang Guang doesn’t need to test him, so he will say goodbye to the past completely after the reincarnation of Wu Tian’s remnant soul.
It is impossible to make mistakes in this situation.
Yang guang didn’t really doubt that Liu yun.
But later, it is also regarded as "love me, love my dog". Generally, I gave him some pills, no matter what the so-called Wuzong needs, especially the Wuyi pill, which is to increase the success rate of understanding the artistic conception
This is Yang Guang’s purchase from his own treasure shop. Now he doesn’t like refining Dan medicine either, but he is very interested in these things, and of course not all of them are interested.
Is Yang Guang doesn’t care much about this problem.
In another story, it is very unlikely that Yang Guang will make friends with Liu Yun. What is the name of his master’s reincarnation? Yang Guang didn’t ask, and he didn’t even want to know these things.
But I don’t know if I know it or not, and that’s it
"Let’s go now that this matter has been settled, it is finally removed from a heart disease." Yang Guang is not very concerned about its affairs, but the debt is relaxed.
After that, it’s dust to dust to the ground. See you if it’s fate.
Then don’t say goodbye to it.
Mountains and rivers meet, flowers meet, and the sun shines.
Then Yang Guang and his wife didn’t stay in Yangcheng for a long time because he knew that Liu Yun would definitely investigate that although they wanted to avoid each other, it was very simple, but it would certainly have some impact.
He showed his strength and breath in front of Liu Yun, which is just the so-called Wu Zong level. He has a ring? Didn’t you say that? Give gifts for people.
It doesn’t matter who to give gifts to.
"These days are all the places I want to go. Do you have any special places to go? Whether it’s a place, I can go with you. "It’s up to him to make decisions for Yang Guang and Rongyu to go to the local base these days.
Rongyu usually agrees, although she is also happy in this process.
But it’s not really a double tour.
What’s more, Gu Yirong-yu has to think for herself. What if she has so-called "unfinished" dreams?
"Me? I don’t know where I should go, and I don’t have a definite goal. "Rongyu said so, but I was quite happy when I heard Yang Guang ask.
Even though two people have been married for many years, in some cases, politeness is equivalent to the so-called "respect for each other as guests". There is no quarrel because Yang Guang’s strength will not be shown to his wife and family.
More importantly, Rong Yu has a very good personality.
Emotional intelligence is quite high, and there is nothing wrong with it.
"ah? Well, do you want to go back to your former school? Whether it is junior high school or college, can there be so-called friends who have fun but have broken the connection for various reasons? "
If Yang Guang doesn’t ask questions like this, Rongyu may say something like "listen to him".
That’s not much fun.
"School?" Rongyu showed interest after hearing Yang Guang’s question.
She did think about what happened before, including laughter and pain, but it might be a little strange to go to those schools again.
There is no need to see the school words, and there seems to be nothing to see.
Miss and respect teachers directly? There is, but there is no connection, that is, normal teachers and students will not connect once they graduate.
Occasionally, even after meeting, I may respect you and call a teacher. If I go to communicate with a junior high school teacher as an adult, I may not know what to talk about.

Sitting at the top of the table, the ancestor Taiping coughed gently. "Let’s continue to drink. Some trivial things are not worth mentioning. Don’t disturb everyone’s nature. Let’s continue to drink."

Taiping’s ancestor’s words fell on everyone’s lips, and the people around him were talking. The chaos in his head was worse than what he said. Anyway, the atmosphere in the hall was lively again.
"Alas, Miao Xiu played too much this time." All eyes slowly recovered from the stars and sighed slightly.
The Hunger smell speech is "wonderful show is not stupid, doesn’t he know what the consequences are? Why do you want to do this? This is the key. "
The Hunger looked at the sky.
Chapter 135 You see me today, especially yesterday.
Is Miao Xiu stupid?
There is no doubt that Miaoxiu is definitely not stupid. She definitely knows what will happen if she really channelizes the quasi-fairy queen in front of all the days, but what did Miaoxiu do?
Yeah, what?
Chaotian The Hunger, you look at me. I see you have been watching it for a long time, but you never know where Jade Duxiu really aims.
"No one knows what Miao Xiu Mu is and where Miao Xiu’s goal is. No one knows and no one knows." The Hunger sighed.
"Don’t think so much. Let’s hurry to get married after such a long delay." Chaotian said.
The Hunger nodded in the air and turned to look at the East China Sea fairy. "I have to wait one step ahead and escort the bride to Taiping Road."
At this time, the quasi-fairy heard the two men talking before she came to her senses, and her eyes showed panic. "Well, it’s a mission for you to escort the motorcade even though you go there."
Looking at the emotional quasi-fairy, The Hunger sighed gently and was robbed of her mind by Jade Duxiu. It is not only this quasi-fairy, but all the worlds can see this amazing world war I era, and the strong will seize her mind.
In the sky, The Hunger flashed, and the innate immortal light shuttled and disappeared in the virtual. The East China Sea fairy shouted "Departure"
After Yu Duxiu’s skill, all monks who want to find some trouble for him have to hold on to their own thoughts and then be quiet to bury all the career in their hearts and never show it.
It’s terrible that even the quasi-fairy can really make it’ disappear’. This is definitely the most thrilling event in ancient times, and the sky will be rolled up again.
Chaotian The Hunger’s figure shows itself in the main hall. Before leaving, he gave a gift to the two of them, "Thank you for your help."
Looking at Yu Duxiu’s eyes in the sky, there was a flash of exploration color. At this time, there were some words that could not be asked face to face.
Jade Duxiu smiled gently. "Although I have planned to sit in all these seats."
Seeing this, The Hunger stopped talking and went into the hall to sit together and push a cup for a change.
As time goes by, the big day is approaching noon, but suddenly I heard a distant faint sound of gongs and drums beating towards this place.
"When the bride comes, please ask the cave master to go out to meet the bride." The MC leaned in.
Jade Duxiu smell speech nodded to the full house guests fuels "excuse me"
Watching Yu Duxiu walk out, Liu Yi looked at Bing Qin. "What do you think?"
"I don’t know much before, but now I finally know that the main gap of Miaoxiu Cave is simply a cloud of mud between heaven and earth. Don’t say that Miaoxiu’s brother is a nine-day big day, so my brother is a trivial little flame." Bingqin slowly said
"Well, don’t be discouraged. Miao Xiu has his own troubles, although the scenery is limited. Miao Xiu is so strong. Isn’t he constantly suppressing his wonderful show today? It’s not enough to add more influence to the heavens to eliminate the influence of the ancestor’s suppression. Even if all the ancestors were grounded to suppress the wonderful show, it didn’t work. Today, when I saw the wonderful show, the quasi-fairy was stronger, and she didn’t fight back in her hands. In the future, all the quasi-immortals in the heavens even talked about its name and changed color. "Liu Yi sighed.
It’s a pity that Jade Duxiu is too strong to outshine others, so that nine disciples have become waste places, and many godfathers have to try their best to vent their luck.
Yu Duxiu was dressed in a big red wedding gown, with dragons and phoenixes in the whole body. He stood upright and proudly outside the mountain gate in the distance, and a pair of teams winding thousands of miles away came along.
The leader is the East China Sea quasi-fairy, who saw Yu Duxiu standing proudly at the door. Suddenly, a tingle came quickly, and the dragon and horse hurried to pay tribute to Yu Duxiu. "I have seen the cave owner escort the princess and now I have a job with the cave owner."
Jade Duxiu saw this quasi-fairy across thousands of miles before she nodded. She nodded at the quasi-fairy and asked everyone to have a wedding banquet and invite the bride.
A maid laid a red carpet and then slowly lifted the red curtain of the sedan chair to see a big red wedding robe and a hijab Aoleduan sitting in the sedan chair.
Jade Duxiu walked steadily and smiled at the bride in the sedan chair. At this time, a maid brought a red satin with a big red flower hanging in it and gave it to Jade Duxiu at one end and Aole at the other.
Jade Duxiu took the red satin to bring the Aole sedan chair and walked slowly towards the gate.
"Cross brazier"
At this time, a brother of Taipingdao factotum hurriedly brought over a brazier and placed it in the middle of the mountain gate, blocking the way.
Jade Duxiu smiled. Everyone is a master of practice. This mere brazier is naturally not a problem, even if it is covered with a hijab.
Led Aole across the brazier into the hall.

The diffuse golden waterfall has long been fragmented.

Wu Daozun closed his eyes and blocked the ghost treasure mirror and soul lamp in front of him, and his body suddenly retreated!
I don’t know how far I’ll quit until the fear fades and the martial spirit in the sea recovers as before.
Wu Daozun took off the Moro mask to reveal his pale face, which was covered with fine sweat and gasped and slowly opened his eyes.
Even though he has got rid of the crisis, he is still worried when he recalls the scene just now.
What is that evil wind?
Where did it come from?
Wu Daozun recalled the situation at that time.
That evil wind is not as strong as the breeze Xu Lai.
But then a series of horrible changes were born in him!
Wu Daozun looked down at him.
Although he just held the soul lamp in front of him, the golden light in the soul lamp has long since gone out.
Presumably, when the evil wind blows, the soul lights will have gone out.
Wu Daozun gradually calmed his mind and temporarily broke the idea of continuing to explore Styx.
The wild crisis hasn’t been lifted yet. If he has an accident here, I’m afraid Butterfly Moon can’t stop an offensive by Emperor Qingyan without help.
Wu Daozun put away the town prison tripod, the ghost treasure and the soul lamp. He was about to wear the Moro mask but his heart moved.
This Moro mask was originally an emperor, but Wu Daozun released its spirit Sirius and gave it rebirth, which greatly reduced its power.
His current combat power, this Moro mask, is a chicken rib to him.
More places are still to cover the appearance.
If there is any weakness in the martial arts, knowing the Yuan God in the sea, that is, the purple flame, is indeed relatively weak.
This weakness is not compared with the same order.
If you encounter something far beyond your own realm, such as the peak emperor, it may cause some damage to his martial soul.
Wu Daozun thoughtfully prepared to recast the Moro mask.
Wu Daozun released six flames and threw the Moro mask for calcination.
In the past few days, although the Moro mask was almost red, it still showed no signs of melting.
Moro mask is really good.
Emperor Papman didn’t know how many treasures and rare minerals were searched in those days, and then he blended the seven emotions with the flesh and blood to refine such a mask.
Wu Daozun’s fighting power now even the peerless emperor soldiers can’t carry his six flames!
This Moro mask has lost its spirit and has not melted!
I’m afraid there won’t be any progress if this continues to consume, but it will affect his practice.